报 告 人:徐正银 加拿大pc28官网 资源与环境系 长聘教轨副教授
时 间:2024年9月25日 (星期三) 12:40-14:00
地 点:加拿大pc28官网 创新楼(B楼)104会议室
主办单位:加拿大pc28官网 学科与科技办、加拿大pc28官网 青年教师联谊会
报告人于2020年在上海交通大学获得博士学位。2020-2024年在上海交通大学做博士后,其中2022-2023年在美国The Ohio State University做访问学者。在Molecular Plant、Journal of Advanced Research、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Communications等期刊发表SCI论文17篇,单篇IF>10的3篇;获授权国家发明专利3项。主持国家自然科学基金项目、博士后科学基金项目和博士后国际交流计划项目各1项。入选上海市“超级博士后”激励计划,获上海交通大学优秀博士学位论文(提名)等奖励。
1. Zhengyin Xu, Xiameng Xu, Qiang Gong, Ziyang Li, Ying Li, Sai Wang, Yangyang Yang, Wenxiu Ma, Longyu Liu, Bo Zhu, Lifang Zou*, Gongyou Chen*. Engineering broad-spectrum bacterial blight resistance by simultaneously disrupting variable TALE-binding elements of multiple susceptibility genes in rice. Molecular Plant, 2019, 12(11):1434-1446. (IF 17.1)
2. Zhengyin Xu, Xiameng Xu, Yijie Wang, Linlin Liu, Ying Li, Yangyang Yang, Liang Liu, Lifang Zou, Gongyou Chen*. A varied AvrXa23-like TALE enables the bacterial blight pathogen to avoid being trapped by Xa23 resistance gene in rice. Journal of Advanced Research, 2022, 42: 263-272. (IF 11.4)
3. Xiameng Xu#, Zhengyin Xu#, Ziyang Li, Muhammad Zakria, Lifang Zou, Gongyou Chen*. Increasing resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice by editing the promoter of susceptibility gene OsSULRT3;6. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19(6):1101-1103. (IF 10.1)
4. Zhengyin Xu, Xiameng Xu, Ying Li, Linlin Liu, Qi Wang, Yijie Wang, Yong Wang, Jiali Yan, Guanyun Cheng, Lifang Zou, Bo Zhu, Gongyou Chen*. Tal6b/AvrXa27A, a hidden TALE targeting both the susceptibility gene OsSWEET11a and the resistance gene Xa27 in rice. Plant Communications, 2024, 5(2):100721. (IF 9.4)
5. Linlin Liu, Ying Li, Qi Wang, Xiameng Xu, Jiali Yan, Yong Wang, Yijie Wang, Syed Mashab Ali Shah, Yongzheng Peng, Zhangfei Zhu, Zhengyin Xu*, Gongyou Chen*. Constructed rice tracers identify the major virulent transcription activator-like effectors of the bacterial leaf blight pathogen. Rice, 2024,17: 30. (IF 4.8)
SPEAKER: Zhengyin Xu
Tenure-track Associate Professor,
Department of Resources and Environment, SAB
TIME:12:40-14:00 September 25th, 2024 (Wed)
VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB
ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;
Young Teachers Association, SAB
TITLE:The "arms race" battles in the Xanthomonas oryzae-rice pathosystems
Bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae, are devastating diseases to agricultural production and serve as model systems in plant pathology research. This presentation will focus on the distribution and impact of these diseases, the characteristics of the virulence factors of Xanthomonas oryzae, and the types of resistance and susceptibility genes cloned in rice. The report will elucidate the mechanisms by which the pathogen overcomes rice resistance genes through interactions between pathogen effectors and host genes, and discuss strategies for breeding rice with broad-spectrum and durable resistance