


Chen, Huan

Tenured Associated Professor/Doctoral Advisor/Group Leader

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Department of Plant Science, School of

Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research direction: Plant-pathogen interactions,

salicylic acid signaling and systemic acquired resistance.




08/2022-present, Associate Professor, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

05/2014-03/2022, Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, US

05/2011-02/2014, Postdoctoral Scientist, World Class University (WCU) project, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea



06/2006-02/2011, Ph.D. Environmental Biotechnology, Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea

09/2004-08/2006, M.S. Molecular Biology, Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea

09/2000-06/2004, B.S. Biological Sciences (Education), School of Life Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, China



Dr. Chen has keen interests and passion in studying plant-microbe interactions using multidisciplinary scientific approaches. To ultimately exploit broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance in crops and human health, the Chen lab continues to (i) uncover strategies employed by phytopathogen effector proteins to alter host immunity, (ii) elucidate the mechanical regulation of plant defense hormones (salicylic acid, etc)-mediated innate and systemic immunity, (iii) and dissect cell-to-cell communication in biotic and abiotic stresses.

Since 2022, Dr. Chen has published more than 30 papers with over 1000 citations and a total impact factor of around 337.6. As the first or corresponding-author, at least 12 papers were published in top journals including Cell Host & Microbe, Science Advances, New Phytologist, J Integr Plant Biol (cover story), Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Plant Signal Behav, Trends in Microbiology, Molecular Plant, Nature Plants, Plant Cell Environ, etc.



HUAN CHEN - Google Scholar: //scholar.google.com/citations?user=uj76wkEAAAAJ&hl=en

  1. Chen H, Li M, Qi G, Zhao M, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2021). Two interacting transcriptional coactivators NPR1 and EDS1 cooperatively control plant immune responses. Science Advances, 7(45): eabl7173. (IF 14.957); DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl7173

  2. Chen H, Chen J, Li M, Chang M, Xu K, Shang Z, Zhao Y, Palmer IA, Zhang Y, McGill J, Alfano JR, Nishimura MT, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2017). A Bacterial type III effector targets the master regulator of salicylic acid signaling NPR1 to subvert plant immunity. Cell Host & Microbe 22: 777-788.e7. (IF 31.316). DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2017.10.019

  1. Featured by the F1000Prime Faculty (Frank White, 2018): Recommended as a new finding, good for teaching and interesting hypothesis article.

  2. Highlighted in “NPR1 in JazzSet with Pathogen Effectors” (Sun et al., 2018), Trends Plant Sci.

  1. Qi G, Chen H, Zheng H, Tang X, Chen J, Wang Y, Bai MY, Liu F, Wang D, Fu ZQ (2021). The BZR1-EDS1 module coordinates plant growth-defense coordination. Molecular Plant, 14(12)2072-2087. (IF 21.949). DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2021.08.011

  2. Chen H, Chen J, Zhao Y, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2022). Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. Trends in Microbiology. (IF 18.230).

  3. Liu L, Li Y, Xu Z, Chen H, Zhang J, Manion B, Liu F, Zou L, Fu ZQ, Chen G (2022). The Xanthomonas type III effector XopAP prevents stomatal closure by interfering with vacuolar acidification. J. Integr. Plant Biol. (IF 9.106).

  4. Liu N, Chen H, Wang X, Wang D, Fu ZQ (2022). TIRggering cell death via two enzymatic reactions. Molecular Plant 15(8): 1263-1265. Spotlight. (IF 21.949).

  5. Chang M, Chen H, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2022). PTI and ETI: convergent pathways with diverse elicitors. Trends Plant Sci. Spotlight. (IF 22.102).

  6. Chen J, Chen H, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2022). A war on the cell wall. Molecular Plant. Spotlight. (IF 13.164).

  7. Khan MSS, Islam F, Chen H, Chang M, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ, Chen J (2022). Transcriptional coactivators: Driving Force of Plant Immunity. Front. Plant Sci. Review (IF 6.627).

  8. Chen J, Zhang J, Kong M, Freeman A, Chen H*, Liu F (2021). More stories to tell: NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS RELATED GENES1, a salicylic acid receptor. Plant Cell & Environment: 44(6):1716-1727. (*Co-corresponding author). Review (IF 7.947).

  9. Meng F, Yang C, Cao J, Chen H, Pang J, Zhao Q, Wang Z, Fu ZQ, Liu J (2020). A bHLH transcription activator regulates defense signaling by nucleo-cytosolic trafficking in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 62(10), 1552-1573. (IF 9.106).

  10. Chen H, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). Deceiving the chaperone. Nature Plants 5:1110-1111. News & views. (IF 17.352).

  11. Chen H, Clinton M, Qi G, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). Connecting the Dots: a new and complete salicylic acid biosynthesis pathway. Molecular Plant 12(12): 1539-1541. Spotlight. (IF 21.949).

  12. Palmer IA, Chen H, Chen J, Chang M, Li M, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). Novel salicylic acid analogs induce a potent defense response in Arabidopsis. Int J. Mol. Sci 20(13):3356. (IF 6.208).

  13. Chen J, Mohan R, Zhang Y, Li M, Chen H, Palmer IA, Chang M, Qi G, Spoel SH, Mengiste T, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). NPR1 promotes its own and target gene expression in plant defense by recruiting CDK8. Plant Physiol. pp.00124. (IF 8.005).

  14. Chang M, Zhao J, Chen H, Li G, Chen J, Li M, Palmer IA, Song J, Alfano JR, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). PBS3 protects EDS1 from proteasome-mediated degradation in plant immunity. Molecular Plant 12(5):678-688. (IF 21.949).

  15. Chen H, Palmer I, Chen J, Thompson S, Liu F, and Fu Z.Q (2018). Specific and accurate detection of the citrus greening pathogen Candidatus liberibacter spp. using conventional PCR on citrus leaf tissue samples. JOVE. (IF 1.424).

  16. Li M, Chen H, Chen J, Chang M, Palmer IA, Gassmann W, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2018). TCP transcription factors interact with NPR1 and contribute redundantly to systemic acquired resistance. Front Plant Sci. 14;9:1153. (IF 6.627).

  17. Qi G, Chen J, Chang M, Chen H, Hall K, Korin J, Liu F, Wang D, Fu ZQ (2018). Pandemonium breaks out: Disruption of salicylic acid-mediated defense by plant pathogens. Molecular Plant 11(12):1427-1439. Review (IF 21.949).

  18. Wu L, Chen H*, Curtis C, Fu ZQ (2014). Go in for the kill. How plants deploy effector-triggered immunity to combat pathogens. Virulence 5:7, 1012. (*Co-first author). (IF 5.428).

  19. Chen H, Ahmad M, Rim Y, Lucas WJ, Kim JY (2013). Evolutionary and molecular analysis of Dof transcription factors identified a conserved motif for intercellular protein trafficking. New Phytologist 198(4): 1250-60. (IF 10.323). DOI: 10.111/nph.12223

  20. Chen H, Jackson D, Kim JY (2014). Identification of evolutionarily conserved amino acid residues in homeodomain of KNOX proteins for intercellular trafficking. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9:e28355. (IF 2.734). DOI: 10.4161/psb.28355

  21. Kumar D, Chen H, Rim Y, Kim JY (2015). GAL4 transactivation-based assay for the detection of selective intercellular protein movement. Plasmodesmata. Methods Mol. Biol. 1217:231-43. Method (IF 1.187). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1523-1_15

  22. Han X, Kumar D, Chen H, Wu S, Kim JY (2014). Transcription factor-mediated cell-to-cell signaling and its regulation. J. Exp. Bot. 65:1737-49. Review (IF 7.298).

  23. Ahmad M, Rim Y, Chen H, Kim JY (2013). Functional characterization of Arabidopsis Dof transcription factor AtDof4.1. Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 60: 116-123. (IF 1.419).

  24. Je J, Chen H, Song C, Lim CO (2014). Arabidopsis DREB2C modulates ABA biosynthesis during germination. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 452:91-98. (IF 3.322). DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.08.052

  25. Chen H, Je J, Song C, Hwang JE, Lim CO (2012). A proximal promoter region confers tissue-specific expression of Arabidopsis DREB2C under heat stress. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 54: 640-51 (Cover Story). (IF 7.061). DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2012.01137.x

  26. Chen H, Hwang JE, Lim CJ, Kim DY, Lee SY, Lim CO (2010). Arabidopsis DREB2C functions as a transcriptional activator of HsfA3 during the heat stress response. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 401: 238-244. (IF 3.322). DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.09.038

  27. Hwang JE, Lim CJ, Chen H, Je J, Song C, Lim CO (2011). Overexpression of Arabidopsis dehydration responsive element binding protein 2C confers tolerance to oxidative stress. Mol. Cells 33: 1-10. (IF 4.250).

  28. Hwang JE, Hong JK, Lim CJ, Chen H, Je J, Yang KA, Kim DY, Choi Y., Lee SY, Lim CO (2010). Distinct expression patterns of two Arabidopsis phytocystain genes, AtCYS1 and AtCYS2, during development and abiotic stress. Plant Cell Rep. 29: 905-915. (IF 4.964).

  29. Lim CJ, Hwang JE, Chen H, Hong JK, Yang KA, Choi MS, Lee KO, Chung WS, Lee SY, Lim CO (2007). Over-expression of the Arabidopsis DRE/CRT-binding transcription factor DREB2C enhances thermotolerance. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 362: 431-436. (IF 3.322).

  30. Gu QY, Shen SD, Xiang WY, Chen H (2005). Studies on the solid culture of somatic cells from Porphyra haitanensis. J. Suzhou Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 21(3).


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Support by: Wei Cheng