Department of Food Science and Engineering
Tel: +86-21-34208536
Email: [email protected]
Address: No.219, Building of Agricultural Science Innovation
Research Interests:
1. Food processing and quality control: flavor of muscle food such as duck, dry-cured ham, cultured fugu; modern improvement of traditional Chinese food such as Nanjing water-boiled salted duck; R & D of new health food products.
2. Food edible quality evaluation and traceability technology: edible quality evaluation of muscle food, such as pork meat and tuna meat; rapid and/or non-destruction detection method and traceability technology based on multi-fingerprint combination including NIR, GC-MS and intelligent sensory technology, etc.
1. PhD, year of 2006, Food Science, College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University
2. BS, year of 2010, Food Science and Technology, College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University
Research Experience/Achievement:
1. Review expert of China and Zhejiang Nature Science Foundation
2. Online Review expert of National Science and Technology Award
3. Foresight Expert of Chinese Engineering Science and technology 2035
4. Specially Hired Experts of South Taihu Lake of Huzhou City
5. Member of the 3rd Youth Work Committee of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology
6. Director of Chinese Association of Animal Products Processing
7. Regional Editor-in-Chief of Interdisciplinary Journal of Chemistry
8. Editor of Chinese Journal: Food Research and Development, Meat Research; Food technology
1. Associate editor (1/5) of Food Additives[M], ISBN: 978-7-03-0416728, 2014.
2. Associate editor (4/5) of Food Chemistry[M], ISBN: 978-7-03-041476-2, 2014.
3. Associate editor (4/5) of Basic Knowledge of Agricultural Production Safety [M], ISBN: 9787504586186.
Selected Scientific Citation Index (SCI) Publications:
1. Wei W , Hu W , Zhang X Y , Zhang, F. P*,Sun, S. Q,Liu, Y,Xu, C. H*. Analysis of protein structure changes and quality regulation of surimi during gelation based on infrared spectroscopy and microscopic imaging[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):55-66.
2. Wang W , Feng X , Zhang D , Li B,Sun B, Tian H*, Liu Y*. Analysis of volatile compounds in Chinese dry-cured hams by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry[J]. Meat Science, 2018, 140: 14-25.
3. Wang, Wen-Li ; Chen, Wei-Hua ; Tian, Hong-Yu ; Liu, Yuan*. Detection of Frozen-Thawed Cycles for Frozen Tilapia (Oreochromis) Fillets Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy [J]. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2018, 27(5): 609-618.
4. Tang Y , Huang S , Xu J , Ouyang G, Liu Y*. PLGA-based nanofibers with biomimetic polynoradrenaline sheath for rapid in vivo sampling of tetrodotoxin and sulfonamides in pufferfish[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6(22): 3655-3664.
5. Tian H X , Zhang Y J , Qin L , Chen C, Liu Y, Yu H Y* . Evaluating taste contribution of brown sugar in chicken seasoning using taste compounds, sensory evaluation, and electronic tongue[J]. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21(1):471-483.
6. Liu S , Wei W , Bai Z , Wang X C, Li X H, Wang C X, Liu X, Liu Y*, Xu C H*. Rapid identification of pearl powder from, Hyriopsis cumingii, by Tri-step infrared spectroscopy combined with computer vision technology[J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2018, 189:265-274
7. Yu X. Q., Zhang L. J., Miao X. D., Li Y. Y., Liu Y.*. The structure features of umami hexapeptides for the T1R1/T1R3 receptor. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221: 599-605.
8. Huang, S., Xu J., Wu J., Hong H., Chen G., Jiang R., Zhu F., Liu Y.*, Ouyang G. F.*. Rapid detection of five anesthetics in tilapias by in vivo solid phase microextraction coupling with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2017, 168: 263-268.
9. Le C., Tang Y. J., Xu J. Q., Huang S. Y., Liu Y.*, Ouyang G. F.*. Rapid in vivo determination of tetrodotoxin in pufferfish (Fugu) muscle by solid-phase microextraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2017, 171: 179-184.
10. Hu S. F., Yu J., Wang Z., Li L.*, Du Y. F., Wang L.P., Liu Y.*. Effects of Sorbic Acid-Chitosan Microcapsules as Antimicrobial Agent on the Properties of Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer Film for Food Packaging. Journal of Food Science, 2017, 82: 1451-1460.
11. Wei S. B., Lin W., Xu J. Q., Wang Y., Liu, S. Q., Zhu, F., Liu Y.*, Ouyang G. F.*. Fabrication of a polymeric composite incorporating metal-organic framework nanosheets for solid-phase microextraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 971: 48-54.
12. Zhang X. Y., Wei W., Hu W., Wang, X. C., Yu P., Gan J. H., Liu Y.*.,Xu C. H.*. Accelerated chemotaxonomic discrimination of marine fish surimi based on Tri-step FT-IR spectroscopy and electronic sensory. Food Control, 2017, 73: 1124-1133.
13. Zhang, Y., Fan Y., Wu J., Wang X., Liu Y.*. An Amperometric Immunosensor Based on an Ionic Liquid and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrode for Detection of Tetrodotoxin in Pufferfish. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64(36): 6888-6894.
14. Xu, C. H., Chen G. S., Xiong Z. H., Fan Y. X., Wang X.C., Liu Y.*. Applications of solid-phase microextraction in food analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 80: 12-29, 2016.
15. Liu, X., Y. Jia, Y. Hu, X. Xia, Y. Li, J. Zhou*, Liu Y.*. Effect of Citrus wilsonii Tanaka extract combined with alginate-calcium coating on quality maintainance of white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). Food Control, 2016,68: 83-91.
16. Liu, S., Hu Q., Zheng J., Xie L., Wei S., Jiang R., Zhu F., Liu Y.*, Ouyang G.*. Knitting aromatic polymers for efficient solid-phase microextraction of trace organic pollutants. Journal of Chromatography A, 2016, 1450: 9-16.
17. Wang D., Zhang M., Deng S., Xu W. *, Liu Y.*, Geng Z., Sun C., Bian H., Liu F.. Postmortem changes in actomyosin dissociation, myofibril fragmentation and endogenous enzyme activities of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) muscle. Food Chemistry, 2016, 197: 340-344.
18. Sun C., Gao L., Wang* D., Zhang M., Liu Y.*, Geng Z., Xu W., Liu F., Bian H.. Biocompatible polypyrrole-block copolymer-gold nanoparticles platform for determination of inosine monophosphate with bi-enzyme biosensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 230: 521-527.
19. Hu W., Guo X. X., Wang X. C., Zhao Y., Sun S. Q., Xu* C. H., Liu Y.*. Rapid Discrimination of Different Grades of White Croaker Surimi by Tri-Step Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA). Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(4): 831-839.
20. Tang W., Wu J. *, Ying Y., Liu Y.*. Writing Sensors on Solid Agricultural Products for In Situ Detection. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87(21): 10703-10707.
21. Liu Y.*, Hu W., Guo X. X., Wang X. C., Sun S. Q., Xu C. H.*. Rapid discrimination of three marine fish surimi by Tri-step infrared spectroscopy combined with Principle Component Regression. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 149: 516–522.
22. Liu Y.*, Ma D. H., Wang X. C., Liu L. P., Fan Y. X., Cao J. X.. Prediction of chemical composition and geographical origin traceability of Chinese export tilapia fillets products by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2015, 60(2): 1214-1218.
23. Wang D. F., Wang X. C., Liu T., Liu Y.*. Prediction of total viable counts on chilled pork using an electronic nose combined with support vector machine. Meat science, 2012, 90(2), 373-377.
24. Zhang M. X., Wang X. C., Liu Y.*, Xu X. L., Zhou G. H.. Species Discrimination among Three Kinds of Puffer Fish Using an Electronic Nose Combined with Olfactory Sensory Evaluation. Sensors, 2012, 12(9), 12562-12571.
25. Zhang M. X., Wang X. C., Liu Y.*, Xu X. L., Zhou G. H.. Isolation and identification of flavour peptides from Puffer fish (Takifugu obscurus) muscle using an electronic tongue and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 2012, 135(3), 1463-1470.
26. Liu Y., Xu X. L., Zhou* G. H.. Comparative Study of volatile Compounds in Chinese Nanjing Marinated Salty Duck by Different Extraction Techniques. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2007, 42(5): 543-550.
27. Liu Y., Xu X. L., Zhou* G. H.. Changes in taste compounds of duck during processing [J]. Food Chemistry, 2007, 102(1): 22-26, 2007.
28. Liu Y., Xu X. L., Ouyang G. F., Zhou* G. H.. Changes in Volatile Compounds of Traditional Chinese Nanjing Water-boiled Salted Duck during Processing. Journal of food science, 2006, 71(4):371-378.
Licensed Patents
1. Liu Yuan, Qiu Chunyang, Wang Xichang, Miao Xiaoan, Ma Lei, Li Lin. A new preparation method of taste peptide derived from puffer fish and its application [P], ZL 201410007378.4, 2016. (In Chinese)
2. Meng Tong, Liu Yuan, Niu Liqiong. The functional kelp dumpling and its new way of processing[P], ZL 201310751769.2, 2016. (In Chinese)
3. Zhou Ran, Liu Yuan, Xie Jing, Wang Xichang. A new method of quality identification and grading puffer fish meat [P], ZL 201010149932.4, 2014. (In Chinese)
Invited reports of International Meetings
1. August 16-17, 2017, Changchun, P. R. China. 3rd International Symposium of Food Science and Human Wellness, Invited report” Taste of Cultured Takifugu”.
2. October 24-25, 2016, Shanghai Ocean university, P. R. China. 2016 Mini-Summit Food Safety, Policy and Sustainability, Invited report “Quaility evaluation of surimi product based on multi-fingerprint technologies”.
3. August 9-13, 2016, Beijing, P. R. China. 2016 International Workshop of Meat Quality and Processing Technology. Invited report “Flavor quality of three kind of Chinese dry-cured hams”.
4. October 26-27, 2015, 2015 Mini-Summit Food Safety, Policy and Sustainability. Invited report “Research on the safety and edible quality of cultured fugu of China”.
5. November 29- December 2, 2012, Japan. The 14th International Symposium on the Efficient Application and Preservation of Marine Biological Resources. Invited report “Isolation and Identification of Flavor Peptides from Puffer Fish (Takifugu obscurus) Muscle using an Electronic Tongue and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS”.
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng