




     Associate Professor

     Department of Food Science and Engineering

     Tel: +86-13524913423

     Email: [email protected]





Research Interests:

​1. Radio frequency disinfestation/pasteurization of low moisture foods

2. Hot air-assisted radio frequency roasting of nuts

3. Novel drying technologies for postharvest fruits and vegetables



Education Background

08/2008–05/2012,       Washington State University (USA), Ph. D

09/2006–06/2008,       China Agricultural University (China), M.S.

09/2002–07/2006,       China Agricultural University (China), Bachelor



Working Experience

01/2016-Present,   Associate Professor

Dept. Food Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

08/2013-12/2015, Assistant Professor

Dept. Food Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

06/2012–07/2013 Research Associate

Dept. Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University, WA, USA




Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Shunshan Jiao, Dong Li*, Zhigang Huang*, Zhenshan Zhang, Bhesh Bhandari, Xiaodong Chen, Zhihuai Mao, Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Flaxseed Oil Using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2008, 4(4): 1-18.
  2. Shunshan Jiao, John A. Johnson, Juming Tang, Gopal Tiwari, Shaojin Wang*, Dielectric Properties of Cowpea Weevil, Black Eyed Peas and Mung Beans with Respect to the Development of Radio Frequency Heat Treatments. Biosystems Engineering, 2011, 108(3): 280-291.
  3. Shunshan Jiao, Juming Tang, John A. Johnson, Gopal Tiwari, Shaojin Wang*, Determining Radio Frequency Heating Uniformity in Mixed Beans for Disinfestations. Transactions of the ASABE, 2011, 54(5): 1847-1855.
  4. Shunshan Jiao, Shaojin Wang*, Judy A. Johnson, Juming Tang, Industrial-scale Radio Frequency Treatments for Insect Control in Lentils. Journal of Stored Products Research, 2012, 48: 143-148.
  5. Shunshan Jiao, John A. Johnson, John K. Fellman, Scott D. Mattinson, Juming Tang, Ted L. Davenport, Shaojin Wang*, Evaluating the Storage Environment in Hypobaric Chambers Used for Disinfesting Fresh Fruits. Biosystems Engineering, 2012, 111(3): 271-279.
  6. Shunshan Jiao, Judy A. Johnson, Juming Tang, Scott D. Mattinson, John K. Fellman, Ted L. Davenport, Shaojin Wang*, Tolerance of Codling Moth, and Apple Quality Associated with Low Pressure/low Temperature Treatments. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2013, 85: 136-140.
  7. Shunshan Jiao, Yun Deng, Yu Zhong, Danfeng Wang, Yanyun Zhao*, Investigation of Radio Frequency Heating Uniformity of Wheat Kernels by Using the Developed Computer Simulation Model. Food Research International, 2015, 71: 41-49.
  8. Shunshan Jiao*, Yu Zhong, Yun Deng, Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating Effects on Wheat and Corn Seeds: Quality Change and Fungi Inhibition. Journal of Stored Products Research, 2016, 69: 265-271.
  9. Shunshan Jiao, Didi Zhu, Yun Deng, Yanyun Zhao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating on Quality and Shelf-life of Roasted Peanuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2016, 9(2): 308-319.
  10. Shunshan Jiao, Wenyun Sun, Tiankui Yang, Yanping Zou, Xingxing Zhu, Yanyun Zhao*, Investigation of Feasibility of Radio Frequency Energy for Controlling Insects in Milled rice. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2017, 10: 781-788.
  11. Meiji Liao, Yanyun Zhao, Chuting Gong, Hangjin Zhang, Shunshan Jiao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Roasting on Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Cashew Nut Kernels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 93: 274-280.
  12. Sizhuo Hu, Yanyun Zhao, Zvi Hayouka, Danfeng Wang, Shunshan Jiao*, Inactivation Kinetics for Salmonella Typhimurium in Red Pepper Powders Treated by Radio Frequency Heating. Food Control, 2018, 85: 437-442.
  13. Hangjin Zhang, Chuting Gong, Xiaofan Wang, Meiji Liao, Jin Yue, Shunshan Jiao*, Application of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency as Second Stage Drying Method for Mango Slices. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019, 42: e12974.
  14. Chuting Gong, Yanyun Zhao, Hangjin Zhang, Jin Yue, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Radio Frequency Heating as a Dry-blanching Method for Carrot Cubes. Journal of Food Engineering, 2019, 245: 53-56.
  15. Shunshan Jiao, Hangjin Zhang, Sizhuo Hu, Yanyun Zhao*, Radio Frequency Inactivation Kinetics of Bacillus cereus Spores in Red Pepper Powder with Different Initial Water Activity. Food Control, 2019, 105: 174-179.
  16. Chuting Gong, Hangjin Zhang, Jin Yue, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating as a Simultaneous Dry-blanching and Pre-drying Method for Carrot Cubes. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2019. 56: 102181.
  17. Jing Peng, Xu Yin, Shunshan Jiao*, Kangli Wei, Kang Tu, Leiqing Pan*, Air Jet Impingement and Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Hybrid Drying of Apple Slices, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 116: 108517.
  18. Meiji Liao, Yanyun Zhao, Yuanrong Xu, Chuting Gong, Shunshan Jiao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Roasting on Nutritional Quality and Aroma Composition of Cashew Nut Kernels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 116: 108551.
  19. Hangjin Zhang, Yanyun Zhao, Chuting Gong, Shunshan Jiao*, Effect of Radio Frequency Heating Stress on Sublethal Injury of Salmonella Typhimurium in Red Pepper Powder. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 117: 108700.
  20. Chuting Gong, Meiji Liao, Hangjin Zhang, Yuanrong Xu, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency as a Final Stage Drying of Pre-dried Carrot Cubes. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13: 419-429.
  21. Yuanrong Xu, Meiji Liao, Danfeng Wang, Shunshan Jiao*, Physicochemical Quality and Volatile Flavor Compounds of Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Roasted Almonds. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, 44: e14376.
  22. Meiji Liao, Windi Damayanti, Yanyun Zhao, Xuebing Xu, Yan Zheng, Juan Wu, Shunshan Jiao*, Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Stabilizing Treatment Effects on Physicochemical Properties, Enzyme Activities and Nutritional Quality of Wheat Germ. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13: 901-910.
  23. Meiji Liao, Yuanrong Xu, Yanyun Zhao, Xuebing Xu, Yan Zheng, Shunshan Jiao*, Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Heating for Stabilization of Rice Bran: Enzyme Activity, Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity and Microstructure. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 131: 109754.

Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng