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Full Professor with Tenure, PhD Department of Resources and Environment Research Interests: 1) Biomass Energy Engineering 2) Energy/ecology integrated system Phone:0086 21 34205744 Email:[email protected] Address:Biomass Energy Engineering Research Centre, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, P.R.China |
Ronghou Liu, male, PhD, Full Professor with Tenure, Department of Resources and Environment, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU), P.R. China and PhD students supervisor in the specialty of ecology at School of Agriculture and Biology, SJTU. He is PI of Biomass Energy Engineering Research Group and director of Biomass Energy Engineering Research Centre, School of Agriculture and Biology, SJTU. He was former Member of Agricultural Engineering Discipline Evaluation Group of State Department Degree Committee of China. At present, he is vice director of Teaching Steering Committee of Colleges and Universities of Ministry of Education of China in Agricultural Engineering Discipline (2013-2017;2018-2022). He won Cornell University Tang Scholarship in 2008. He was awarded Second Prize of Teaching and Students Education of SJTU in 2020. He was awarded Talent Education Prize of Shanghai City in 2021. He was selected as 2020 Most Cited Chinese Researcher of Elsevier in 2021. He was selected in the list of the world's top 100,000 scientists released by the Global Academic Database. He is World's Top 2% Scientists according to research of Professor John P.A.Ioannidis from Stanford University, USA. He has done teaching and research work in the field of renewable energy and environment since 1984.
Professor Ronghou Liu is executive members of five national societies, including: Chinese Biogas Society, Chinese Renewable Energy Society (2004-2017)(Biomass Energy Committee of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society from 2004 to now), Chinese Biomass Development Centre, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. He is executive member of Innovation Union of Chinese Bioenergy Technology and Strategy. He was committee member of Key Laboratory of Agricultural Waste Energy Utilization of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China(2012-2015). He serves as editorial board members of four SCI and five EI journals such as Fuel Processing Technology(SCI), International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(SCI),Frontiers in Energy Research(SCI, Associate editor),Energies(SCI),International Journal of Global Energy Issues(EI), International Journal of Alternative Propulsion(EI), Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica(EI),Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(EI), Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery(EI), etc.
He studied at Tsukuba International Centre of JICA, Japan for 9 months in 1995. He worked at Department of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering at University of Science and Technology of China within 1997-1999 as a post doctoral researcher. He did cooperation research in the Bio-energy Research Group of Aston University in UK from 2000 to 2001 for 1 year, did cooperation research as an invited professor in Hiroshima University, Japan for 3 months in 2002, did cooperation research as an invited professor in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, LAUSANNE, Switzerland for 3 months in 2007. He did cooperation research in Cornell University, USA for 3 months in 2012. He did cooperation research at European Bioenergy Research Institute, Aston university, UK for 3 months in 2014 and did cooperation research at Alto University, Finland for 3 months in 2015. In addition, Professor Ronghou Liu visited many countries such as USA, UK, Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Greece, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, Thailand, etc. for academic exchanges and attending conferences.
In terms of scientific research, Professor Ronghou Liu has coordinated and participated more than 30 research projects and won many honors. He has published 9 books as editor-in-chief and published more than 240 papers in journals. Among them, more than 135 papers are published in SCI (Science Citation Index) journals. Most of them are the top journals in the field of Biomass Energy Engineering, including Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Bioresource Technology,Energy, Fuel,Renewable Energy,Fuel Processing Technology,Biomass and Bioenergy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, etc. More than 55 papers are published in EI (Engineering Index) journals, and more than 50 papers are published in Chinese core journals. And his H-index is 37. He has also obtained 26 authorized China National invention patents as the first inventor. He was appointed as an Expert of Rural Energy Integrated Construction of China by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China; he was selected as one of One Hundred Elite Engineering of Provincial Government; he was awarded as Outstanding Youth Teacher of Provincial Government; he won The Seventh Youth Scientific Prize of Chinese Agronomy Society; he was awarded as Outstanding Individual of Renewable Energy Integrated Construction of Provincial Government, etc. At present, Professor Ronghou Liu is mainly doing research in biomass energy engineering and environment protection. The main research fields include biomass pyrolysis for bio-oil production technology, biogas, bioethanol, biochar, characteristics of biomass, energy systems, etc.
Main research field: Biomass energy engineering; Energy/ecology integrated system.
- Supervise mater degree students in the specialty of ecology at School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China.
- Supervise PhD students in the specialty of ecology at School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China.
Main projects coordinated:
(1) National Key Research and Development Program of China. Investigation the mechanism and enhancement technologies of in-situ biogas purification through coupled hydrogen and biogas production from anaerobic digestion of chicken manure, crop residue and food wastes. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(2) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Mechanism of ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for production of bio-oil with high yield of aromatic and olefin hydrocarbons. Coordinator. Roghou Liu ranks first.
(3) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Mechanism of toxicity and detoxification about anaerobic digestion of animal waste for biogas production. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(4) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Research on mechanism of physical methods on improving quality of bio-oil from biomass fast pyrolysis. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(5) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Kinetic study of biomass pyrolysis based on the pyrolysis temperature distribution. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(6) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Effect of main parameters of biomass fast pyrolysis on bio-oil yield and its characteristics. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(7) Project of Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) through The National Science and Technology Supporting Plan during the 12th Five-Year Plan. Development of equipment for biomass fast pyrolysis for bio-oil production and its demonstration in thousand ton scale. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(8) Project of Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) through the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program).Research on key technology of biomass fast pyrolysis based on improving bio-oil property. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(9) Project of Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China. Research on biomass characteristics in East China region. Coordinator. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(10) Project of Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) through the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program) during the 12th Five-Year Plan: sub-project: “Research on biochar application on improving soil properties”. Coordinator of sub-project. Ronghou Liu ranks first.
(11) EU Project. Agriculture and small to medium scale industries in peri-urban areas through ethanol production for transport in China. Coordinator of sub-project. Ronghou Liu ranks first in sub-project.
(12) FP7 Marie Curie Project of EU. EU-China cooperation for liquid fuels from biomass pyrolysis. Ronghou Liu coordinated Shanghai JiaoTong University sub-project and he ranks first in the sub-project.
Representative books:
[1] Ronghou Liu (Editor-in-chief). 《New Energy Engineering》(Textbook for the higher agricultural colleges and universities in China)(in Chinese), published by Chinese Agriculture Press, October 2006. ISBN 7-109-10608-X.Number of words:643 thousands.
[2] Ronghou Liu (Editor-in-chief). 《Renewable Energy Engineering》(Programming textbook for the higher colleges and universities in China in the 12th Five-Year Plan)(in Chinese), published by Science Press, January 2016. ISBN 978-7-03-045923-7. Number of words: 486 thousands.
[3] Ronghou Liu(Editor-in-chief). 《Biomass Energy Engineering》(Textbook for the higher colleges and universities in China) (in Chinese), published by Chemical Industry Press, September 2009. ISBN 978-7-122-06289-5. Number of words: 447 thousands.
[4] Ronghou Liu, Fei Shen, Weixing Cao.《Biomass Biological Conversion Technologies》(Book), published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, December 2015. ISBN 978-7-313-14172-9. Number of words: 433 thousands.
[5] Ronghou Liu, Weisheng Niu, Dalei Zhang.《Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Technologies》(book), published by Chemical Industry Press, July 2005. ISBN 7-5025-7172-8. Number of words: 294 thousands.
[6] Ronghou Liu, Xiaoyan Mei, Yongjie Yan. 《Technology and Example of Fuel Ethanol Production》(book), published by Chemical Industry Press, November 2007. ISBN 978-7-122-01396-5. Number of words: 495 thousands. Editor-in-chief.
Representative papers published in SCI journals(*refers corresponding author. Professor Ronghou Liu is corresponding author for all the following papers)
[1] Ronghou Liu ∗, Manobendro Sarker , Md. Maksudur Rahman , Chong Li , Meiyun Chai , Nishu, Raphaëlle Cotillon, Norman R. Scott .Multi-scale complexities of solid acid catalysts in the catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for bio-oil production –A review[J]. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 80(2020)100852.(SCI,IF29.394, Q1).
[2]Yifeng He, Yingnan Zhao, Meiyun Chai, Zhongyue Zhou, Manobendro Sarker, Chong Li, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai, Xinghua Liu. Comparative study of fast pyrolysis, hydropyrolysis and catalytic hydropyrolysis of poplar sawdust and rice husk in a modified Py-GC/MS microreactor system: Insights into product distribution, quantum description and reaction mechanism[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119 (2020) 109604. (SCI, IF14.982, Q1).
[3] Qiong Yu, Ronghou Liu*, Kun Li, Ruijie Ma. A review of crop straw pretreatment methods for biogas production by anaerobic digestion in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 107:51-58. (SCI, IF14.982,Q1, Highly Cited Paper).
[4] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*.A Review of Methane Production from Agricultural Residues in China[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54(2016) 857-865.(SCI, IF14.982,Q1).
[5] Qiong Yu, Chen Sun, Ronghou Liu* , Dominic Yellezuome, Xianpu Zhu , Ruifeng Bai, Mingquan Liu, Mengzeng Sun.Anaerobic co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure using continuous stirred tank reactor: The effect of biochar addition and urea pretreatment[J]. Bioresource Technology Volume 319, January 2021, 124197.(SCI,IF9.642,Q1,Highly Cited Paper).
[6] Nishu, Ronghou Liu*, Md. Maksudur Rahman, Manobendro Sarker, Meiyun Chai, Chong Li,Junmeng Cai. A review on the catalytic pyrolysis of biomass for the bio-oil production with ZSM-5: Focus on structure[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 199(2020)106301.(SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[7] Chong Li, Amirul Rajib, Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*, Elham H. Fini* and Junmeng Cai. Balancing the Aromatic and Ketone Content of Bio-oils as Rejuvenators to Enhance Their Efficacy in Restoring Properties of Aged Bitumen[J].ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 6912−6922.(SCI,IF 8.198,Q1).
[8] Nishu, Ronghou Liu*,Md. Maksudur Rahman, Chong Li, Meiyun Chai,Manobendro Sarker, Yichen Wang, Junmeng Cai.Catalytic pyrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose extracted from rice straw for high yield of hydrocarbon over alkali modified ZSM-5[J]. Fuel,285(2021)119038.(SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[9] Nishu, Chong Li, Meiyun Chai, Md. Maksudur Rahman, Yingkai Li, Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*. Performance of alkali and Ni-modified ZSM-5 during catalytic pyrolysis of extracted hemicellulose from rice straw for the production[J]. Renewable Energy, 175 (2021) 936e951.(SCI,IF 8.001,Q1).
[10] Meiyun Chai, RonghouLiu*, YifengHe. Effects of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio and Fe loading rate of Fe-modified ZSM-5 on selection of aromatics and kinetics of corn stalk catalytic pyrolysis[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 206, September 2020, 106458. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[11] Yifeng He, Yuwei Bie, Juha Lehtonen, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai.Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol as a model compound of lignin-derived pyrolysis bio-oil over zirconia-supported Rh catalyst: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[J]. Fuel, 2019,(239):1015-1027. (SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[12]Yuanfei Mei, Meiyun Chai, Chenjie Shen, Biaobiao Liu, Ronghou Liu*. Effect of methanol addition on properties and aging reaction mechanism of bio-oil during storage[J]. Fuel, 2019,( 244):499-507. (SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[13] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Qiong Yu, Ruijie Ma. Removal of nitrogen from chicken manure anaerobic digestion for enhanced biomethanization[J].Fuel, 232( 2018), Pages 395–404. (SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[14] Yan Wang, Ronghou Liu*.H2O2 treatment enhanced the heavy metals removal by manure biochar in aqueous solutions[J]. Science of the Total Environment, Volumes 628–629, 1 July 2018, Pages 1139-1148.(SCI,IF7.963,Q1).
[15]Wenfei Cai, Li Dai, Ronghou Liu*. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of rice husk for bio-oil production[J]. Energy, Volume 154, 1 July 2018, Pages 477-487. (SCI,IF7.147,Q1).
[16]Wenfei Cai, Ronghou Liu*, Yifeng He, Meiyun Chai, Junmeng Cai. Bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis of rice husk in a commercial-scale plant with a downdraft circulating fluidized bed reactor[J].Fuel Processing Technology,171(2018)308-317. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[17] Md. Maksudur Rahman, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass over zeolites for high quality bio-oil – A review[J]. Fuel Processing Technology,180(2018)32-46. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1,Highly Cited Paper).
[18] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Shaofeng Cui, Qiong Yu, Ruijie Ma. Anaerobic co-digestion of animal manures with corn stover or apple pulp for enhanced biogas production[J].Renewable Energy, 118 (2018) 335-342. (SCI,IF 8.001,Q1).
[19] Linzheng Wang, Meiyun Chai, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai. Synergetic effects during co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste tire: A study on product distribution and reaction kinetics[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 268, November 2018, Pages 363-370. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[20] Le Zhang, Ronghou Liu*, Renzhan Yin, Yuanfei Mei. Upgrading of bio-oil from biomass fast pyrolysis in China: A review[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 24 (2013) 66–72. (SCI, IF14.982,Q1, Highly Cited Paper).
[21] Yan Wang, Ronghou Liu*. Comparison of characteristics of twenty-one types of biochar and their ability to remove multi-heavy metals and methylene blue in solution[J].Fuel Processing Technology, 2017,160,55-63. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[22] Yuanfei Mei, Ronghou Liu*. Effect of temperature of ceramic hot vapor filter in a fluidized bed reactor on chemical composition and structure of bio-oil and reaction mechanism of pine sawdust fast pyrolysis[J]. Fuel Processing Technology,2017,161,204–219. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[23] Chen Sun, Weixing Cao, Charles J. Banks, Sonia Heaven, Ronghou Liu*.Biogas production from undiluted chicken manure and maize silage: a study of ammonia inhibition in high solids anaerobic digestion[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 218, October 2016, Pages 1215-1223 . (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[24] Renzhan Yin, Le Zhang , Ronghou Liu*, Yuanfei Mei , Wenjuan Yu. Optimization of composite additives for improving stability of bio-oils, Fuel 170 (2016) 1–8. (SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[25]Wenfei Cai, Ronghou Liu*. Performance of a commercial-scale biomass fast pyrolysis plant for bio-oil production[J]. Fuel 182 (2016) 677–686. (SCI,IF6.609,Q1).
[26] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Chen Sun. Comparison of anaerobic digestion characteristics and kinetics of four livestock manures with different substrate concentrations[J].Bioresource Technology, 198 (2015) 133–140. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[27] Tianju Chen, Ronghou Liu*, Norman R. Scott*. Characterization of energy carriers obtained from the pyrolysis of white ash, switchgrass and corn stover — Biochar, syngas and bio-oil [J].Fuel Processing Technology 142,124–134, 2016. (SCI,IF7.033,Q1).
[28]Tianju Chen, Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*, et al. Effect of hot vapor filtration on the characterization of bio-oil from rice husks with fast pyrolysis in a fluidized-bed reactor[J]. Bioresource Technology, 102 (2011) 6178–6185. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[29]Tianju Chen, Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*. Steam reforming of bio-oil from rice husks fast pyrolysis for hydrogen production[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 102, Issue 19, October 2011, Pages 9236-9240. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[30]Weixing Cao, Chen Sun, Ronghou Liu*,Renzhan Yin, Xiaowu Wu.Comparison of the effects of five pretreatment methods on enhancing the enzymatic digestibility and ethanol production from sweet sorghum bagasse[J].Bioresource Technology, Volume 111, May 2012, Pages 215–221. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[31]Renzhan Yin, Ronghou Liu*, Jinkai Wu, Xiaowu Wu, Chen Sun, Ceng Wu. Influence of particle size on performance of a pilot-scale fixed-bed gasification system[J]. Bioresource Technology, 119 (2012) 15–21. (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[32]Ronghou Liu*, Fei Shen. Impacts of main factors on bioethanol fermentation from stalk juice of sweet sorghum by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CICC 1308)[J]. Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 847–854 . (SCI,IF9.642,Q1).
[33] Ronghou Liu*, Jinxia Li, Fei Shen. Refining bioethanol from stalk juice of sweet sorghum by immobilized yeast fermentation[J].Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1130–1135. (SCI,IF 8.001,Q1).
[34] Yuanfei Mei,Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*. Hydrogen production from steam reforming of bio-oil model compound and byproducts elimination, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 41, Issue 21, 8 June 2016, Pages 9145-9152 .(SCI,IF5.816, Q2).
[35]Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu.Carbon deposition behavior in steam reforming of bio-oil model compound for hydrogen production[J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 5 ( 2010 ) 7386-7398. (SCI,IF5.816, Q2).
[36]Ceng Wu,Ronghou Liu*. Sustainable Hydrogen Production From Steam Reforming Of Bio-Oil Model Compound Based On Carbon Deposition/Elimination[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 6 (2011) 2860-2868. (SCI,IF5.816, Q2).
[37] Weixing Cao, Ronghou Liu*.Screening and optimization of trace elements supplement in sweet sorghum juice for ethanol production[J]. Biomass and Bioenergy 50(2013)45-51.(SCI,IF5.061,Q2).
[38] Md. Maksudur Rahman, Meiyun Chai, Manobendro Sarker, Nishu, Ronghou Liu*.Catalytic pyrolysis of pinewood over ZSM-5 and CaO for aromatic hydrocarbon: Analytical Py-GC/MS study[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (2020) 425-435. (SCI, IF6.186 ,Q2).
[39] Yichen Wang, Renzhan Yin, Meiyun Chai, Nishu, Chong Li,Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*. Comparative study by GC×GC-TOFMS on the composition of crude and composite-additives bio-oil before and after accelerated aging treatment[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (2020) 2163-2175. (SCI, IF6.186 ,Q2).
[40] Zengzhen Wang, Jia Xu, Dominic Yellezuome, Ronghou Liu*.Effects of cotton straw-derived biochar under different pyrolysis conditions on Pb (II) adsorption properties in aqueous solutions[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 157 (2021) 105214.( SCI, IF5.541,Q2).
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng