Department of Animal Science
Research Interests:
Email:[email protected]
Current Position:
Tenured Professor of Veterinary Microbiology & Immunology
Department of Animal Science, School of Agriculture & Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- B.S., Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
- M.S., Veterinary Microbiology, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
- Ph. D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Visiting scholar and joint researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University, USA
Research Interests
- Avian antiviral innate Immunity & Signal Transduction
SUN's primary research interest is in the antiviral innate immune signaling dependent on an adaptor molecule designated as STING in chicken. Because of the significant differences in the innate immune response between chicken and mammals, the novel innate immune signal molecule and signal transduction pathways in chicken are being revealed, and the molecular mechanism of antiviral effect are being elucidated.
- The structure and function of phage and phage-encoded bactericidal proteins
SUN's secondary research interest is in the molecules and mechanisms of bacteriophage lysis, much of his work focus on the structure & function of phage encoded lysin to degrade the bacteria and the small membrane protein holin to punch holes in the bacterial cell membranes. SUN's Lab is currently dedicated to using bacteriophages hosted by streptococcus suis, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as E.coli and its encoded lysin to prevent the antibiotic-resistant strain extracellular and intracellular infections or disrupt the bacterial biofilms.
Selected Publications
- Yuqiang Cheng, Wenxian Zhu, Chan Ding, Qiaona Niu, Hengan Wang, Yaxian Yan, and Jianhe Sun*: IRF7 Is Involved in Both STING and MAVS Mediating IFN-β Signaling in IRF3-Lacking Chickens. Journal of Immunology 2019. ;203(7):1930-1942
- Zhaofei Wang, Jingjiao Ma, Jian Wang, Denghui Yang, Licheng Kong, Qiang Fu, Yuqiang Cheng, Hengan Wang, Yaxian Yan and Jianhe Sun: Application of the Phage Lysin Ply5218 in the Treatment of Streptococcus suis Infection in Piglets. Viruses 2019,11:715
- Qiaona Niu, Yuqiang Cheng, Hengan Wang, Yaxian Yan and Jianhe Sun*: Chicken DDX3X Activates IFN-b via the chSTING-chIRF7-IFN-b Signaling Axis. Frontiers in Immunology 2019.10:822
- Yuqiang Cheng, Minxiang Lun, Yunxia Liu, Hengan Wang, Yaxian Yan and Jianhe Sun*: CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Chicken TBK1 Gene Knockout and Its Essential Role in STING-Mediated IFN-b Induction in Chicken Cells. Frontiers in Immunology 2019.
- Jingjiao Ma, Rujuan Wu, Ye Tian, Min Zhang, Weili Wang, Yujie Li, Fulin Tian, Yuqiang Cheng, Yaxian Yan, Jianhe Sun: Isolation and characterization of an Aves polyomavirus 1 from diseased budgerigars in China. Veterinary Microbiology 2019, 237:108397
- Ji Likai, Li Shasha, Zhu Wenxian, Ma Jingjiao, Sun Jianhe, Wang Hengan and Yan Yaxian*: Porcine Deltacoronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Suppressed IFN-β Production by Interfering Porcine RIG-I dsRNA-Binding and K63-Linked Polyubiquitination. Frontiers in Immunology 2019.
- Jingjiao Ma, Ye Tian, Min Zhang, Yujie Li, Weili Wang, Fulin Tian, Yuqiang Chen, Yaxian Yan, Jianhe Sun*: Establishment of rapid detection method and surveillance of budgerigar fledgling disease virus using a TaqMan Real-Time PCR. Molecular and Cellular Probes 2019. 13:7-13.
- Wang Z, Kong L, Liu Y, Fu Q, Cui Z, Wang J, Ma J, Wang H, Yan Y, Sun J*: A Cell-Penetrating Peptide Fused Phage Lysin Kills Intracellular MRSA in Keratinocytes and Treatment for Skin Infections of Mice. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2018. 84(12):e00380-18
- Yunxia Liu, Yuqiang Cheng, Wenya Shan, Jingjiao Ma, Hengan Wang, Jianhe Sun, Yaxian Yan*: Chicken interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) involved in antiviral innate immunity via regulating IFN-β production. Developmental and comparative immunology 2018, 88:77-82.
- Sun J, Cai Y, Moll WD, Guo P: Controlling bacteriophage phi29 DNA-packaging motor by addition or discharge of a peptide at N-terminus of connector protein that interacts with pRNA. Nucleic acids research 2006, 34(19):5482-5490.
- Cheng Y, Ma J, Liu Y, Gao Q, Yan Y, Wang H, Ding C, Sun J*: Chicken TBK1 interacts with STING and is involved in IFN-beta signaling regulation. Developmental and comparative immunology 2017, 77:200-209.
- Fu Q, Li S, Wang Z, Shan W, Ma J, Cheng Y, Wang H, Yan Y, Sun J*: H-NS Mutation-Mediated CRISPR-Cas Activation Inhibits Phage Release and Toxin Production of Escherichia coli Stx2 Phage Lysogen. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:652.
- Cheng Y, Liu Y, Wang Y, Niu Q, Gao Q, Fu Q, Ma J, Wang H, Yan Y, Ding C, Sun J*: Chicken DNA virus sensor DDX41 activates IFN-beta signaling pathway dependent on STING. Developmental and comparative immunology 2017, 76:334-342.
- Wang Z, Zheng P, Ji W, Fu Q, Wang H, Yan Y, Sun J*: SLPW: A Virulent Bacteriophage Targeting Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus In vitro and In vivo. Frontiers in microbiology 2016, 7:934.
- Fu Q, Su Z, Cheng Y, Wang Z, Li S, Wang H, Sun J*, Yan Y*: Clustered, regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) diversity and virulence factor distribution in avian Escherichia coli. Research in microbiology 2017, 168(2):147-156.
- Zhang H, Zhang C, Wang H, Yan YX, Sun J*: A novel prophage lysin Ply5218 with extended lytic activity and stability against Streptococcus suis infection. FEMS microbiology letters 2016, 363(18).
- Cheng Y, Sun Y, Wang H, Yan Y, Ding C, Sun J*: Chicken STING Mediates Activation of the IFN Gene Independently of the RIG-I Gene. Journal of immunology 2015, 195(8):3922-3936.
- Cheng Y, Wang H, Yan Y, Ding C, Sun J*: Two myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) isoforms identified in ducks. Developmental and comparative immunology 2015, 52(2):144-154.
- Ji W, Huang Q, Sun L, Wang H, Yan Y, Sun J*: A novel endolysin disrupts Streptococcus suis with high efficiency. FEMS microbiology letters 2015, 362(24):fnv205.
- Cheng Y, Huang Q, Ji W, Du B, Fu Q, An H, Li J, Wang H, Yan Y, Ding C, Sun J*: Muscovy duck retinoic acid-induced gene I (MdRIG-I) functions in innate immunity against H9N2 avian influenza viruses (AIV) infections. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology 2015, 163(3-4):183-193.
- Cao D, Ji W, Fu Q, Lu C, Wang H, Sun J, Yan Y: Escherichia coli nfuA is essential for maintenance of Shiga toxin phage Min27 lysogeny under iron-depleted condition. FEMS microbiology letters 2015, 362(19).
- Cheng Y, Sun Y, Wang H, Shi S, Yan Y, Li J, Ding C, Sun J*: Cloning, expression and functional analysis of the duck Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) gene. Journal of veterinary science 2015, 16(1):37-46.
- Wang Y, Zou Q, Sun J, Wang H, Sun X, Chen Z, Yan Y: Screening of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) aptamers against a zearalenone monoclonal antibody and development of a ssDNA-based enzyme-linked oligonucleotide assay for determination of zearalenone in corn. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015, 63(1):136-141.
- Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang H, Ji W, Sun J*, Yan Y: An immunomagnetic-bead-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for sensitive quantification of fumonisin B1. Food Control 2014, 40:41-45.
- Du B, Ji W, An H, Shi Y, Huang Q, Cheng Y, Fu Q, Wang H, Yan Y, Sun J*: Functional analysis of c-di-AMP phosphodiesterase, GdpP, in Streptococcus suis serotype 2. Microbiological research 2014, 169(9-10):749-758.
- Wang Y, Yan Y, Ji W, Wang H, Li S, Zou Q, Sun J*: Rapid simultaneous quantification of zearalenone and fumonisin B1 in corn and wheat by lateral flow dual immunoassay. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2013, 61(21):5031-5036.
- Wang Y, Shi Y, Zou Q, Sun J, Chen Z, Wang H, Li S, Yan Y: Development of a rapid and simultaneous immunochromatographic assay for the determination of zearalenone and fumonisin B1 in corn, wheat and feedstuff samples. Food Control 2013, 31(1):180-188.
- Wang Y, Yan Y, Mao Z, Wang H, Zou Q, Hao Q, Ji W, Sun J*: Highly sensitive electrochemical immunoassay for zearalenone in grain and grain-based food. Microchim Acta 2013, 180(3-4):187-193.
- Wang Y, Yan Y, Ji W, Wang H, Zou Q, Sun J*: Novel chemiluminescence immunoassay for the determination of zearalenone in food samples using gold nanoparticles labeled with streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2013, 61(18):4250-4256.
- Wang Y, Yan Y, Li S, Wang H, Ji W, Sun J*: Simultaneous quantitative determination of multiple mycotoxins in cereal and feedstuff samples by a suspension array immunoassay. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2013, 61(46):10948-10953.
- Shi Y, Yan Y, Ji W, Du B, Meng X, Wang H, Sun J*: Characterization and determination of holin protein of Streptococcus suis bacteriophage SMP in heterologous host. Virol J 2012, 9:70.
- Shi Y, Li N, Yan Y, Wang H, Li Y, Lu C, Sun J*: Combined antibacterial activity of phage lytic proteins holin and lysin from Streptococcus suis bacteriophage SMP. Current microbiology 2012, 65(1):28-34.
- Yan Y, Shi Y, Cao D, Meng X, Xia L, Sun J*: Prevalence of Stx phages in environments of a pig farm and lysogenic infection of the field E. coli O157 isolates with a recombinant converting Phage. Current microbiology 2011, 62(2):458-464.
- Meng X, Shi Y, Ji W, Meng X, Zhang J, Wang H, Lu C, Sun J, Yan Y: Application of a bacteriophage lysin to disrupt biofilms formed by the animal pathogen Streptococcus suis. Applied and environmental microbiology 2011, 77(23):8272-8279.