Department of Plant Science
Email:[email protected] |
Professor, Vice chairman of the Department of Plant Sciences, and vice chairman of Shanghai Society of Horticulture, director of council of pomological speciality, editor of South China Fruits, chief editor of Shanghai Fruits. He received his Ph.D degree at Okayama University, Japan .His research fields mainly focuses on fruit culture and developmental physiology of fruit, took and takes charge in about 20 research project from national and provincial governments. He published a large number of papers in international refereed journals and Chinese journals, 5 books has been also published.
Publications (Selected):
1. Xiuming Yu, Bo Wang, Caixi Zhang, Wenping Xu, Jianjun He, Shiping Wang. (2012) Effect of root restriction on nitrogen levels and glutamine synthetase activity in ‘Kyoho’grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 156-163.
2. Bo Wang, Jianjun He, Changxin Duan, Xiuming Yu, Lina Zhu, Zaosen Xie, Caixi Zhang, Wenping Xu, Shiping Wang (2012) Root restriction affects anthocyanin accumulation and composition in berry skin of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis vinifera L.× Vitis labrusca L.) during ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 20-28.
3. Qing Tao Zhang, Shi Ping Wang, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Shigeoki Moritani, Wataru Tsuji, Shu Geng 1, Guo Yu Qiu and Qiang Xie. A new methodology for determining irrigation schedule of grapevines using photogrammetric measurement of berry diameter. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10 (1): 582-587. 2012
4. ZhaoSen Xie, Bo Li, Charles F. Forney, WenPing Xu, ShiPing Wang. Changes in sugar content and relative enzyme activity in grape berry in response to root restriction, Scientia Horticulturae, 2009, 123(1):39-45
5. ZhaoSen Xie,Charles F. Forney,WenPing Xu, ShiPing Wang. Effects of Root Restriction on Ultrastructure of Phloem Tissues in Grape Berry,Hortscince 2009,44(5):1334–1339.
6. Qingbing Zeng, Chengliang Liu1, Yubin Miao, Shengwei Fei1, Shiping Wang. A Machine Vision System for Continuous Field Measurement of Grape Fruit Diameter, The Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA '08), Volume: 2, P: 1064-1068 (2008).
7. Qingbing Zeng, Yubin Miao, Chengliang Liu, Shiping Wang. Algorithm based on marker-controlled watershed transform for overlapping plant fruit segmentation, Optical Engineering, 2009, 48(2): 27201-10 .
8. Wang Shiping, Zhang Caixi, Xu Wenping, Rooting-zone restriction ----A new prosperous technique in fruit tree cultivation, Hortscince 2007,42(4):857.
9. Tianyi Yang, Lina Zhu, Shiping Wang, Weijun Gu, Danfeng Huang, Wenping Xu, Aili Jiang and Shicheng Li,Nitrate uptake kinetics of grapevine under root restriction, Scientia Horticulturae,111 (4):358-364 16 February 2007,
10. Caixi Zhang, Kenji Tanabe, Shiping Wang, Fumio Tamura, Akihara Yoshida and Kazuhira Matsumoto. The Impact of Cell Division and Cell Enlargement on the Evolution of Fruit Size in Pyrus pyrifolia, Annals of Botany 98: 537–543, 2006, SCI收录杂志.
11. Zhu Lina, Wang Shiping, Yang Tianyi, Zhang Caixi, Xu Wenping, Vine Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism of ‘Fujiminori’ Grapevines in Response to Root Restriction, Scientia Horticulturae, 2006,107(2):143-149(SCI)
12. Caixi Zhang, Kenji Tanabe, Fumio Tamura, Akihiro Itai and Shipi Wang. Spur Characteristics, Fruit Growth and Carbon Partitioning in Two Late-maturing Japanese Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) Cultivars with Contrasting Fruit Size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.,2005 130(2):252–260., SCI.
15. Caixi Zhang, Kenji Tanabe, Fumio Tamura, Akihiro Itai and Shiping Wang. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany. 2005, 95:685-693. SCI.
16. Shiping Wang, Goro Okamoto, Ken Hirano, Jiang Lu, and Caixi Zhang, Effects of Restricted Rooting Volume on Vine Growth and Berry Development of Kyoho Grapevines. American journal of Enology and viticulture, 52(3):248-253, 2001,. SCI.