

发布时间:2024-11-21  阅读次数:512


主 讲 人闵甜甜  加拿大pc28官网 食品科学与工程系 博士后

时    间2024年11月27日 (星期三) 12:40-14:00

地    点加拿大pc28官网 A楼0-103会议室

主办单位加拿大pc28官网 学科与科技办、加拿大pc28官网 青年教师联谊会





闵甜甜,博士毕业于北京科技大学化学专业,2022年8月在加拿大PC28官网 食品系从事博士后研究。主要从事材料学、化学、微生物、食品等交叉学科研究,研究方向为食品活性包装与食品保鲜、刺激响应控释活性包装系统开发与应用,主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目、四川省重点研发项目等课题7项,共发表SCI论文25篇,以第一/共一作者在Chemical Engineering Journal、Carbohydrate Polymers、Food Hydrocolloids、Food Chemistry等期刊发表SCI论文10篇,其中一区论文9篇,高被引论文4篇,申请国家发明专利4项,已授权1项。 





1. Tiantian Min, Jin Yue*, Chuanxiang Cheng, Xiaoyun Ma, Shihan Weng, Yuwan Luo, Yujie Lei, & Yangyang Long. ZIF-8/TOCNF carrier coated with pectin “gatekeeper” for pH/enzyme dual-responsive releasing of carvacrol and its preservation effect on fruits. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 496, 153686.

2. Tiantian Min, Yujie Lei, Chuanxiang Cheng, Yuwan Luo, Yushan Zhang, & Jin Yue*. Highly efficient anchoring of γ-cyclodextrin-MOFs on chitosan/cellulose film by in situ growth to enhance encapsulation and controlled release of carvacrol. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 150, 109633.

3. Tiantian Min, Xiaoli Sun, Liping Zhou, Haiyu Du, Zhu Zhu, & Yongqiang Wen*. Electrospun pullulan/PVA nanofibers integrated with thymol-loaded porphyrin metal−organic framework for antibacterial food packaging. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 270, 118391.

4. Tiantian Min, Liping Zhou, Xiaoli Sun, Haiyu Du, Zhu Zhu*, & Yongqiang Wen*. Electrospun functional polymeric nanofibers for active food packaging: A review. Food Chemistry, 2022, 391, 133239.

5. Tiantian Min, Liping Zhou, Haiyu Du, Xiaochun Bian, Xiaoli Sun, Zhu Zhu*, & Yongqiang Wen*. Enzyme-responsive membranes based on pectin-coated PLA porous nanofibers for active food packaging. Food Research International, 2022, 157, 111256.

6. Tiantian Min, Zhu Zhu, Xiaoli Sun, Zhipeng Yuan, Junwei Zha, Yongqiang Wen*. Highly efficient antifogging and antibacterial food packaging film fabricated by novel quaternary ammonium chitosan composite. Food Chemistry, 2020, 308, 125682.



SPEAKER: Tiantian Min

                  Post doctor, Ph.D.  Department of Food Science & Engineering, SAB

TIME :12:40-14:00 November 27, 2024 (Wed)

VENUE:Room 0-103, Building A, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB

                        Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE: Construction of stimuli-responsive controlled-release active packaging systems and their preservation applications


Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition and have high water activity. Due to vigorous postharvest physiological metabolism, mechanical damage and microbial infection during postharvest storage, fresh fruits and vegetables are prone to quality deterioration and decay. Natural plant essential oils and their active ingredients have broad-spectrum antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other biological activities, which have been become the most promising biological preservatives. However, free essential oil molecules are highly volatile, which is difficult to match the growth velocity of pathogenic bacteria and food quality deterioration. In addition, they are easy to decompose by light and heat, and possess odor stimulation, which seriously restricts their applications in fruit and vegetable preservation. Developing embedding and controlled release technologies to improve the stability and bioavailability of essential oils is a vital pathway to break through the application bottleneck of essential oil. The author mainly aiming at developing stimuli-responsive controlled-release active packaging systems according to the environmental changes such as humidity, pH and enzymes during fruit and vegetable storage, so that essential oil molecules could be controlled and on demand release from the carriers under specific stimulus, so as to achieve long-term preservation.

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