王韵婧 长聘教轨副教授
(1)刘玉乐,王韵婧,龚骞。CAMTA3 基因及其在植物中的应用。2023年授权,专利号:202110499014.2
(2)刘玉乐,王韵婧,龚骞。BN2 基因及其在植物中的应用。2023年授权,专利号: 202110499853.4
1. Wang Y#,*, Gong Q#, Liu Y. Interplant communication: An emerging battlefield in plant-aphid-virus interactions. Science China Life Sciences, 1-3, 2024.
2. Gong Q#, Wang Y#, Zhang X#, Zhao J, Liu Y*, Hong Y*. Plant airborne defense against insects, viruses, and beyond. Trends in Plant Science, 29(3): 283-285, 2024.
3. Gong Q#, Wang Y#, He L, Huang F, Zhang D, Wang Y, Wei X, Han M, Deng H, Luo L, Cui F, Hong Y, Liu Y*. Molecular basis of methyl salicylate-mediated plant airborne defence. Nature, 622(7981): 139-148, 2023. (Selected as both a ‘Highly Cited Paper’ and a ‘Hot Paper’ in ESI)
4. Wang Y#, Gong Q#, Jin Z#, Liu Y*, Hong Y*. Linking calcium and RNAi signaling in plants. Trends in Plant Science, 27 (4): 328-330, 2022.
5. Wang Y#, Gong Q#, Huang F, He L, Liu Y*. Live imaging and quantitation of insect feeding-induced Ca2+ signal using GCaMP3-based system in Nicotiana benthamiana. STAR Protocols, 3(1): 101040, 2022.
6. Gong Q#, Wang Y#, Jin Z#, Hong Y, Liu Y*. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of RNAi-related gene expression during plant-virus interactions. Stress Biology, 2(1): 33, 2022.
7. Wang Y#, Gong Q#, Wu Y, Huang F, Ismayil A, Zhang D, Li H, Gu H, Ludman M, Fatyol K, Qi Y, Yoshioka K, Hanley-Bowdoin L, Hong Y, Liu Y*. A calmodulin-binding transcription factor links calcium signaling to antiviral RNAi defense in plants. Cell Host & Microbe, 29 (9): 1393–1406, 2021. (Recommended by H1 Connect. Honored with ‘2021 Chinese Scientists with Cell Press Most Picked Award’)
8. Wang Y#, Wu Y#, Gong Q, Ismayil A, Yuan Y, Lian B, Jia Q, Han M, Deng H, Hong Y, Hanley-Bowdoin L, Qi Y*, Liu Y*. Geminiviral V2 protein suppresses transcriptional gene silencing through interaction with AGO4. Journal of Virology, 93(6): e01675-18, 2019.
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