

发布时间:2024-04-07  阅读次数:1130

报 告 人:吴宜钊 加拿大pc28官网 资源与环境系 博士后

时    间:2024年4月10日 (星期三) 12:40-14:00

地    点:加拿大pc28官网 创新楼(B楼)104会议室

主办单位:加拿大pc28官网 学科与科技办、加拿大pc28官网 青年教师联谊会





吴宜钊博士于2023年在上海交通大学获得博士学位。在Environment International(中科院1区TOP)、Soil Biology and Biochemistry(中科院1区TOP)、Science of the Total Environment(中科院1区TOP)、Microbiology Spectrum(中科院2区)、Pedosphere(中科院2区)等期刊上等期刊发表SCI论文10篇,单篇IF>10的1篇;获授权专利3项。




1. Yizhao Wu, Song-Ge Deng, Yunxiang Xu, Yifan Zhang, Puguo Hao, Qi Zhao, Jibao Jiang, Yinsheng Li. Biotransformation of roxarsone by earthworms and subsequent risk of soil arsenic release: the role of gut bacteria, Environment International, 2024, 185: 108517.(IF=11.8)

2. Yizhao Wu, Songge Deng, Xiuhong Wang, Michelle Thunders, Jiangping Qiu, Yinsheng Li. Discovery and Mechanism of Action of a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide from an Earthworm, Microbiology Spectrum, 2023, 14: 1. (IF=3.7)

3. Songge Deng, Yizhao Wu, Hanqi Duan, Jo-Anne E. Cavanagh, Xiuhong Wang, Jiangping Qiu, Yinsheng Li. Toxicity assessment of earthworm exposed to arsenate using oxidative stress and burrowing behavior responses and an integrated biomarker index, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 800: 149479. (IF=9.8)

4. Yali Wang, Yizhao Wu, Jo Cavanagh, Xiuhong Wang, Jiangping Qiu, Yinsheng LI. Behavior and respiration responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida to soil arsenite pollution, Pedosphere, 2021, 31(3): 452-459. (IF=5.7)

5. 李银生. 吴宜钊, 邱江平. 一种蚯蚓抗菌肽及其在广谱抗菌方面的应用, 2023-10-31, 中国, CN202210356514.5



SPEAKER: Yizhao Wu

Postdoctor, Department of Resources and Environment, SAB

TIME :12:40-14:00 April 10, 2024 (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB


Biotransformation of roxarsone by earthworms and subsequent risk of soil arsenic release: the role of gut bacteria


Earthworms are known as soil ecological engineers, and their gut microbiota plays a crucial role in their ecological services. Although the activity of earthworms increases soil permeability, the earthworm gut forms a mobile anaerobic zone, resulting in significant differences in microbial communities between the earthworm gut and soil. The discussion will mainly introduce the role of earthworms in soil arsenic release under soil roxarsone pollution. We revealed the changes in community structure and function of earthworm gut bacteria during the degradation process of roxarsone. The relationship between soil and gut bacteria was investigated to find the effect and mechanism of earthworm gut bacteria in the transformation of roxarsone in soil.

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