


职       称:助理研究员



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2022/08-至今,加拿大PC28官网 ,助理研究员;







1. 草莓重要农艺性状基因挖掘及功能研究

2. 草莓特色品种选育



1. 2019/11-2022/08,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M661488),FvHY5 与 FvbHLH9 互作调控草莓果实花青素合成的机制研究,主持。

2. 2020/08-2022/08,中国博士后科学基金站中资助项目(2019M661488),草莓果实粉色基因的定位与功能研究,主持。

3. 2021/01-2023/12,国家自然基金青年项目(32002003),光信号调控草莓果实花青素合成的分子机制研究,主持。

4. 2022/08-2025/12,上海交通大学新进青年教师启动项目(23X010502175),草莓叶柄颜色基因的鉴定与功能研究,主持。

5. 2023/04-2026/03,上海市自然基金项目(23ZR1434300),草莓果实颜色基因的鉴定与功能研究,主持。



(1)Xu P, Li X, Fan J, Wang C, Lin A, Lian H. Comprehensive Identification and Expression Analysis of the YTH Family of RNA-Binding Proteins in Strawberry. Plants (Basel). 2023 Mar 25;12(7):1449. doi: 10.3390/plants12071449.

(2)Xu P.-B., Wu L., Cao M.-H., Ma C., Xiao K., Li Y.-B., and Lian H.-L. (2021). Identification of MBW complex components implicated in the biosynthesis of flavonoids in woodland strawberry. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:774943.

(3)Li Y#., Xu P.-B#., Chen G.-Q., Wu J., Liu Z.-C., and Lian H.-L. (2020). FvbHLH9 functions as a positive regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis by forming HY5-bHLH9 transcription complex in strawberry fruits. Plant & Cell Physiology. 61: 826-837.

(4)Xu, P.-B#, Lian, H.-L#, Xu, F, Zhang, T, Wang, S, Wang, W.-X, Du, S.-S, Huang, J.-R, and Yang, H.-Q*. Phytochrome B and AGB1 coordinate regulation of photomorphogenesis by antagonistically modulating PIF3 stability, Molecular Plant, 2019, 12(2):229-247.

(5)Lian, H.-L#, Xu, P.-B#, He, S.-B, Wang, W.-X, Xu, F, Wang, S, Pan, J.-S, Huang, J.-R, and Yang, H.-Q*. Photoexcited CRYPTOCHROME 1 interacts directly with G-protein β subunit AGB1 to regulate the DNA-binding activity of HY5 and photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis, 2018, Molecular Plant, 11(10):1248-1263.

(6)Xu, P.-B., Zawora, C, Li, Y, Wu, J, Liu L.-C, Liu, Z.-C, Cai, R, and Lian, H.-L*. Transcriptome sequencing reveals role of light in promoting anthocyanin accumulation of strawberry fruit, Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 86(1):121-132.

(7)Xu, P.-B, Lian, H.-L, Wang, W.-X, Xu, F, and Yang, H.-Q*. Pivotal roles of the phytochrome-interacting factors in cryptochrome signaling, 2016, Molecular Plant, 9(4):496-497.

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