职 称:助理研究员
助理研究员。主要从事生态化学计量学、植物生理生态学、植物营养学、植物和昆虫互作、环境微生物、以及气候变化和森林生态系统功能研究。主持或参与国家重点研发、国家自然科学基金、博士后基金项目多项,在Ecological Indicators、Plant and Soil、Forest Ecosystems、Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表学术论文20余篇。
- Du B., Ji H., Liu S., Kang H., Yin S., Liu, C*. (2021) Nutrient resorption strategies of three oak tree species in response to interannual climate variability. Forest Ecosystems, 8: 1-11.
- Du B.#, Zhu Y.#, Kang H. *, Liu C*. (2021) Spatial variations in stomatal traits and their coordination with leaf traits in Quercus variabilis across eastern Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 789: 147757.
- Khalid M. #, Du B. #, Tan H., Liu X., Su L., Ali M., Liu C., Sun N., Hui N*. (2021) Phosphorus elevation erodes ectomycorrhizal community diversity and induces divergence of saprophytic community composition between vegetation types. Science of the Total Environment, 793: 148502.
- Du B., Zheng J., Ji H., Zhu Y., Yuan J., Kang H. *, Liu C. (2021) Stable carbon isotope used to estimate water use efficiency can effectively indicate seasonal variation in leaf stoichiometry. Ecological Indicators 121:107250.
- Du B., Yuan J., Ji H., Yin S., Kang H., Liu C*. (2021) Body size plasticity of weevil larvae (Curculio davidi) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its stoichiometric relationship with different hosts. Journal of Insect Science 21:1-9.
- Du B., Ji H., Peng C., Liu X., Liu C*. (2017) Altitudinal patterns of leaf stoichiometry and nutrient resorption in Quercus variabilis in the Baotianman Mountains, China. Plant and Soil 413:193-202.
- Du B., Kang H., Zhu Y., Zhou X., Yin S., Paul J. B., Liu C*. (2015) Variation of oriental oak (Quercus variabilis) leaf δ13C across temperate and subtropical China: Spatial patterns and sensitivity to precipitation. Forests 6:2296-2306.
- Du B., Liu C*., Kang K., Zhu P., Yin S., Shen G., Hou J., Ilvesniemi H. (2014) Climatic control on plant and soil δ13C along an altitudinal transect of Lushan Mountain in subtropical China: Characteristics and interpretation of soil carbon dynamics. PLoS ONE 9 (1): e86440.
- Du B., Kang H., Pumpanen J., Zhu P., Yin S., Zou Q., Wang Z., Kong F., Liu C*. (2014) Soil organic carbon stock and chemical composition along an altitude gradient in the Lushan Mountain, subtropical China. Ecological Research 29:433-439.