邢梅青 职 称: 副研究员 所属学科: 园艺学 研究方向: 种子发育功能基因组学 电子信箱: [email protected]
1. Ruizhi Huang*, Zhihong Liu, Meiqing Xing*, Yong Yang, Xuelong Wu, Heqin Liu and Weifang Liang. (2019) Heat stress suppresses Brassica napus seed oil accumulation by inhibition of photosynthesis and BnWRI1 pathway. Plant and Cell Physiology, 60(7):1457-1470.
2. Mei-Qing Xing#, Yi-Jing Zhang#, Shi-Rong Zhou#, Wen-Yan Hu#, Xue-Ting Wu, Ya-Jin Ye, Xiao-Xia Wu, Yun-Ping Xiao, Xuan Li, and Hong-Wei Xue. (2015) Global Analysis Reveals the Crucial Roles of DNA Methylation during Rice Seed Development. Plant Physiology, 168: 1417-1432.
3. Meiqing Xing and Hongwei Xue. (2012) A proteomics study of auxin effects in Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 44: 783–796.
4. Bao-Jun Yang#, Xin-Xin Han#, Lin-Lin Yin, Mei-Qing Xing, Zhi-Hong Xu, Hong-Wei Xue. (2016) Arabidopsis PROTEASOME REGULATOR1 is required for auxin-mediated suppression of proteasome activity and regulates auxin signaling. Nature Communications, 7: 11388.
5. Bi-Qing Wen, Mei-Qing Xing, Hua Zhang, Cheng Dai and Hong-Wei Xue.(2011) Rice homeobox transcription factor HOX1a positively regulates gibberellin responses by directly suppressing EL1. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 53 (11): 869–878.
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