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刘默洋,河北唐山人,博士,硕士生导师,䇹政导师,中国作物学会燕麦荞麦专业委员会理事,上海植物生物技术专业委员会委员,上海青年扬帆科技英才。20196月于四川农业大学获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,同年7月于加拿大PC28官网 任职助理研究员,202212月晋升为副研究员。主要运用系统基因组学、分子生物学、人工智能技术等方法,解决农作物优质性状形成相关的基础及生产问题。先后在Cell ReportsiMetaScience BulletinPlant CommunicationHorticulture ResearchJournal of Advanced ResearchJournal of Hazardous Materials等期刊发表论文多余篇,h-index 17;担任多个期刊副主编、编委;审理iMetaTrends in Food Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologyBriefings in BioinformaticsHorticulture ResearchIndustrial Crops and ProductsBMC Plant BiologyFrontiers in Plant Science等期刊稿件百余篇;主讲本科生必修课程《生物统计与试验设计》;主持国家级、省部级科研项目多项。



  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会/青年项目,2022-01至2024-12,30万元,主持;
  2. 上海市科学技术委员会/扬帆计划项目,2020-07至2023-06,20万元,主持;
  3. 上海交通大学/新进青年教师启动计划,2019-07至2022-07,20万元,主持;
  4. 科学技术部/国家重点研发计划项目,2018-07至2022-12,780万元,参加;
  5. 国家自然科学基金委员会/国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2022-01-01至2025-12-31,300万元,参与。



  1. Liu M#, Yang M#, Liang H#, Luo B, Deng J, Cao L, Zheng D*, and Chen C*. Polyploidy drives autophagy to participate in plant-specific functions. iMeta. 2024. (IF= 23.8).
  2. Liu M#, Yu J#, Yang M, Cao L, and Chen C*. Adaptive evolution of chloroplast division mechanisms during plant terrestrialization. Cell Reports. 2024. (IF= 9.995).
  3. Qu L, Liu M, Zheng L, Wang X, Xue H*. Data-independent acquisition-based global phosphoproteomics reveal the diverse roles of casein kinase 1 in plant development. Science Bulletin. 2023. (IF= 18.900).
  4. Liu M, Sun W, Ma Z, Guo C, Chen J, Wu Q, Wang X*, and Chen H*. Integrated network analyses identify MYB4R1 neofunctionalization in the UV-B adaptation of tartary buckwheat. Plant Communications. 2022; 100414 (IF= 10.500).
  5. Liu M, Guo C, Xie K, Chen K, Chen J, Wang Y*, Wang X*. A cross-species co-functional gene network underlying leaf senescence. Horticulture Research. 2022; (IF= 8.700)
  6. Liu M, Huang Z, Xie K, Guo C, Wang Y*, Wang X*. Mitostasis is the central biological hub underlying the response of plants to cadmium stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021; (IF=14.224)
  7. Liu M., Sun W., Ma Z. Hu Y., Chen H*. Tartary buckwheat database (TBD): an integrative platform for gene analysis of and biological information on Tartary buckwheat. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B. 2021;22: 954–958 (IF= 5.552).
  8. Liu M, Sun W, Li C, Yu G, Li J, Wang Y, Wang Xu*. A multilayered cross-species analysis of GRAS transcription factors uncovered their functional networks in plant adaptation to the environment. Journal of Advanced Research. 2021; 29: 191-205. (IF= 12.822)
  9. Liu M#, Sun W#, Ma Z, Yu G, Li J, Wang Y, Wang Xu*. Comprehensive multiomics analysis reveals key roles of NACs in plant growth and development and its environmental adaption mechanism by regulating metabolite pathways. Genomics. 2020; 112: 4897-4911. (IF= 6.21)
  10. Sun W, Ma Z, Liu M*. Cytochrome P450 family: Genome-wide identification provides insights into the rutin synthesis pathway in Tartary buckwheat. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020; 164:4032-4045. (IF= 6.953)
  11. Liu M#, Ma Z#, Zheng T, Sun W, Zhang Y, Jin W, Zhan J, Cai Y, Tang Y, Wu Q, Tang Z, Bu T, Li C, Chen H*. Insights into the correlation between Physiological changes in and seed development of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). BMC Genomics. 2018; 19:648. (IF= 3.594)

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