刘荣厚 长聘教授
1. 主要从事生物质能工程方面的研究,包括:生物质热化学转换技术(主要为热裂解制取生物油技术、气化技术)、沼气技术、燃料乙醇技术、生物炭技术、农业生物质特性分析等研究;
2. 能源/生态环境综合系统的研究。
(12)英国GCRF项目,Pyrolysis of Municipal Organic Waste for Renewable Road Construction Materials.
(13)欧盟第七框架项目,欧-中生物质热裂解制取液体燃料合作(EU-China Cooperation for Liquid Fuels from Biomass Pyrolysis),子课题主持。
(1) 刘荣厚,蔡文飞.一种利用生物质废弃物生产液体燃料的方法[P].中国国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510067790.X,专利权人:上海交通大学。授权公告日:2016年8月17日.
(2) 刘荣厚,邓春健,陈天举.生物质快速热裂解制取生物燃油设备[P].中国国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201010525749.X,专利权人:上海交通大学。授权公告日:2013年11月06日.
(3) 刘荣厚、孙辰、曹卫星.一种测量生化产甲烷潜力的装置和方法[P].中国国家发明专利,专利号:ZL20I310719198.4,专利权人:上海交通大学。授权公告日:2015年07月15日.
(4) 刘荣厚,沈飞.固定化酵母生物酒精发酵系统[P].中国,中国国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 200610023452.7,专利权人:上海交通大学。授权公告日:2009年6月10日.
(1) 刘荣厚,沈飞,曹卫星 著.《生物质生物转换技术》[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2015年12月,字数:43.3万字。专著。
(2) 刘荣厚,牛卫生,张大雷.《生物质热化学转换技术》[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2005年7月,字数:29.4万字。著作。
(3) 刘荣厚,梅晓岩,颜涌捷.《燃料乙醇的制取工艺与实例》[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2007年12月,字数:49.5万字。主编,著作。
(4) Qiong Yu, Ronghou Liu*, Kun Li, Ruijie Ma.A review of crop straw pretreatment methods for biogas production by anaerobic digestion in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 107:51-58. (SCI,IF10.556,中科院1区).
(5) Junmeng Cai*, Di Xu, Zhujun Dong, et al. Processing thermogravimetric analysis data for isoconversional kinetic analysis of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis: Case study of corn stalk[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018, 82(3):2705-2715.(SCI,ESI highly cited paper, 中科院1区).
(6) Junmeng Cai*, Yifeng He, Xi Yu, Scott W. Banks, Yang Yang; Xingguang Zhang, Yang Yu, Ronghou Liu, Anthony V. Bridgwater. Review of physicochemical properties and analytical characterization of lignocellulosic biomass[J].Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017,76:309-322.(SCI, ESI highly cited paper, 中科院1区).
(7) Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*.A Review of Methane Production from Agricultural Residues in China[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016,54:857-865.(SCI,中科院1区).
(8)Junmeng Cai*, Weixuan Wu,Ronghou Liu. An overview of distributed activation energy model and its application in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014,36:236-246.(SCI, ESI highly cited paper, 中科院1区).
(9) Le Zhang, Ronghou Liu*, Renzhan Yin, Yuanfei Mei. Upgrading of bio-oil from biomass fast pyrolysis in China: A review[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2013,24:66–72. (SCI, ESI highly cited paper, 中科院1区).
(10) Junmeng Cai*, Weixuan Wu, Ronghou Liu, George W. Huber. A distributed activation energy model for the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass[J].Green Chemistry 2013,15(5):1331-1340.(SCI, IF 8.586).
(11) Wenfei Cai, Li Dai, Ronghou Liu*. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of rice husk for bio-oil production[J]. Energy, 2018(154): 477-487. (SCI,IF4.968,中科院1区).
(12) Chen Sun, Weixing Cao, Charles J. Banks, Sonia Heaven,Ronghou Liu*.Biogas production from undiluted chicken manure and maize silage: a study of ammonia inhibition in high solids anaerobic digestion[J].Bioresource Technology,2016,218:1215-1223 (SCI,IF4.917, 中科院1区).
(13) Junmeng Cai*, Ronghou Liu.New distributed activation energy model: Numerical solution and application to pyrolysis kinetics of some types of biomass. Bioresource Technology 2008,99(8):2795-2799. (SCI,Cover paper)
(14) Tianju Chen, Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*, et al. Effect of hot vapor filtration on the characterization of bio-oil from rice husks with fast pyrolysis in a fluidized-bed reactor[J]. Bioresource Technology,2011,102:6178–6185. (SCI).
(15) Ronghou Liu*, Fei Shen. Impacts of main factors on bioethanol fermentation from stalk juice of sweet sorghum by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CICC 1308)[J]. Bioresource Technology 2008,99:847–854 (SCI).
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