王大鹏 职 称:研究员,博导,PI 所属学科:食品科学与工程 研究方向: (1)食源性病毒污染与控制; (2)食品功能微生物与健康。 办公地址:加拿大pc28官网 创新楼203 电 话:021-34206918 电子信箱:[email protected] |
王大鹏,博士,加拿大PC28官网 研究员,博士研究生导师,PI
2008年7月-2010年5月,加拿大PC28官网 博士后;
2010年5月至今,加拿大PC28官网 助理研究员、副研究员和研究员;
长期致力于食源性病毒污染与控制和食品功能微生物与健康的相关研究,主要包括食源性病毒与食品载体互作机制、肠道功能微生物防控食源性病毒的分子机理等。相关工作获得了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划等17项国家、地方和企业课题的持续资助。近年来,陆续在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(封面文章)、Applied and Environmental Microbiology、International Journal of Food Microbiology等国内外主流学术刊物上发表论文72篇;获得授权国家发明专利6件(转化1件),申请国家发明专利3件、PCT 1件。现已与美国、新西兰、新加坡、塞尔维亚和葡萄牙等国家建立了稳定的科技合作平台,陆续联合发表论文29篇。
1)Zilei Zhang#, Danlei Liu#, Qingping Wu, Dapeng Wang*. Oyster heat shock protein 70 plays a role in binding of human noroviruses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2021, 87(18): e00790-21.
2)Chenang Lyu#, Feifeng Lu#, Zhentao Shi, Dapeng Wang*. Detection of group A rotavirus in oyster tissues by in situ capture RT-qPCR. Food Control. 2021, 108161.
3)Meng Xu, Feifeng Lu, Chenang Lyu, Qingping Wu, Jumei Zhang, Peng Tian*, Liang Xue, Ting Xu, Dapeng Wang*. Broad-range and effective detection of human noroviruses by colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay based on the shell domain of the major capsid protein. BMC Microbiology. 2021, 21, 22.
4)Zilei Zhang, Danlei Liu, Dapeng Wang*, Qingping Wu*. Library preparation based on transposase assisted RNA/DNA hybrid co-tagmentation for next-generation sequencing of human noroviruses. Viruses. 2021, 13, 65.
5)Hua'ning Zhang#, Danlei Liu#, Zilei Zhang, Joanne Hewitt, Xinpeng Li, Peibin Hou, Dapeng Wang*, Qingping Wu∗. Surveillance of human norovirus in oysters collected from production area in Shandong Province, China during 2017–2018. Food Control. 2020, 121:107649.
6)Danlei Liu, Zilei Zhang, Shenwei Li, Qingping Wu, Peng Tian, Zilong Zhang⁎, Dapeng Wang*. Fingerprinting of human noroviruses co-infections in a possible foodborne outbreak by metagenomics. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2020, 333:108787.
7)Danlei Liu, Zilei Zhang, Ningbo Liao, Songyan Zou, Haoxuan Tang, Peng Tian, Glenn Young, Qingping Wu*, Dapeng Wang*. Culturable bacteria resident on lettuce might contribute to accumulation of human noroviruses. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2020, 317:108492.
8)Zilei Zhang#, Danlei Liu#, Qingping Wu*, Yu Lu, Peng Tian, Zhongfu Wang, Dapeng Wang*. Characterization of a histo-blood group antigens-like substance in romaine lettuce that contributes to human noroviruses attachment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020, 68(5):1207-1212.(封面文章)
9)Danlei Liu, Zilei Zhang, Qingping Wu, Peng Tian, Haoran Geng, Zhicheng Liu, Dapeng Wang*. Re-designed duplex RT-qPCR for the detection of GI and GII human noroviruses. Engineering. 2020, 6(4):442-448.
1)王大鹏,许茜,倪培恩,等。一种优化的基于细菌细胞表面展示系统的目标物捕获体系,专利号:ZL 201710385615.4;
2)王大鹏,徐梦,张子蕾,等。一种人源诺如病毒免疫胶体金试剂盒及细胞株,专利号:ZL 201910555785.1。已转化。
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