

王  旭

职      称:长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师,独立PI,上海浦江人才计划(2019)


电子信箱:[email protected]



电      话:021-54740272




2007 - 2013 清华大学 生命科学学院 生物学 博士 (师从辛世文教授,中国工程院院士)

2004 - 2007 吉林大学 生命科学学院 生物化学与分子生物学 硕士  (师从郝东云教授)

2000 - 2004 吉林大学 生命科学学院 生物技术 本科



2013 - 2018 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院, 生命科学学院, 博士后(合作导师Johan Auwerx教授,EMBO member

2008 - 2013 香港中文大学 生命科学学院 研究助理(博士联合培养,导师何军贤教授)









课题组以马铃薯、拟南芥等为主要实验材料,聚焦线粒体稳态以及营养利用效率调节,探究细胞代谢对植物生长和发育的影响。前期研究工作第一次揭示了线粒体未折叠蛋白反应 (mitochondrial unfolded protein response, UPRmt) 调节植物细胞适应线粒体逆境的过程及调节机制。目前实验室综合应用系统生物学、细胞生物学、分子遗传学等手段研究线粒体应激与营养调控机制,重点关注以下几个主要方向:

(1) 解析植物线粒体未折叠蛋白反应 (UPRmt) 中的线粒体逆向信号

(2) 线粒体应激调节植物生长、发育及抗逆的机制

(3) 营养代谢调控及营养元素利用效率研究     



# 第一作者,*通讯作者

  1. Li J, Yu G, Wang X, Guo C, Wang Y, Wang X*. Jasmonic acid plays an important role in mediating retrograde signaling under mitochondrial translational stress to balance plant growth and defense. Plant Communications. 2024: 101133.
  2. Qi Z*, Guo C, Li H, Qiu H, Li H, Jong C, Yu G, Zhang Y, Hu L, Wu X, Xin D, Yang M, Liu C, Lv J, Wang X*, Kong F* and Chen Q*. Natural variation in Fatty Acid 9 is a determinant of fatty acid and protein content. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2024, 22: 759-773.
  3. Yu G, Huang Z, Guo C, Li J, Wang XY, Wang Y, Wang X*. Heat Shock Factor HSFA6b Mediates mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants (Basel). 2024, accepted
  4. Guo C, Huang Z, Chen J, Yu G, Wang Y, Wang X*. Identification of novel regulators of leaf senescence using a deep learning model. Plants (Basel). 2024;13: 13091276
  5. Liu M, Huang Z, Xie K, Guo C, Wang Y*, Wang X*. Mitostasis is the central biological hub underlying the response of plants to cadmium stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023; 441: 129930.
  6. Liu M, Guo C, Xie K, Chen K, Chen J, Wang Y*, Wang X*. A cross-species co-functional gene network underlying leaf senescence, Horticulture Research, 2023; 10: uhac251.
  7. Liu M, Sun W, Li C, Yu G, Li J, Wang Y, Wang X*. A multilayered cross-species analysis of GRAS transcription factors uncovered their functional networks in plant adaptation to the environment. Journal of Advanced Research. 2021; 29: 191-205.
  8. Sleiman MB, Jha P, Houtkooper R, Williams R, Wang X*, Auwerx J*. The gene regulatory footprint of aging highlights conserved central regulators. Cell Reports. 2020: 32(13):108203.
  9. Li H#, Wang X#, Rukina D, Huang Q, Lin T, Sorrentino V, Zhang H, Sleiman MB, Arends D, McDaid A, Luan P, Ziari N, Velázquez-Villegas LA, Gariani K, Kutalik Z, Schoonjans K, Radcliffe RA, Prins P, Morgenthaler S, Williams RW, Auwerx J. An integrated systems genetics and omics toolkit to probe gene function. Cell Systems 2018; 6: 90-102.
  10. Wang X & Auwerx J. Systems phytohormone responses to mitochondrial proteotoxic stress. Molecular Cell 2017; 68: 540-51.
  11. Wang X#, Ryu D#, Houtkooper RH, Auwerx J. Antibiotic use and abuse: a threat to mitochondria and chloroplasts with impact on research, health, and environment. BioEssays 2015; 37:1045-53.
  12. Wang YD#, Wang X#, Wong YS. Generation of selenium-enriched rice with enhanced grain yield, selenium content and bioavailability through fertilization with selenite. Food Chemistry 2013; 141:2385-93.
  13. Wang YD#, Wang X#, Ngai SM, Wong YS. Comparative proteomics analysis of selenium responses in selenium-enriched rice grains. Journal of Proteome Research 2013; 12:808-20.
  14. Wang X#, Bian Y#, Cheng K, Gu LF, Ye M, Zou H, Sun SSM, He JX. A Large-scale protein phosphorylation analysis reveals novel phosphorylation motifs and phosphoregulatory networks in Arabidopsis. Journal of Proteomics 2013; 78:486-98.
  15. Wang X#, Bian Y, Cheng K, Zou H, Sun SSM, He JX. A comprehensive differential proteomic study of nitrate deprivation in Arabidopsis reveals complex regulatory networks of plant nitrogen responses. Journal of Proteome Research 2012; 11:2301-15.
  16. Wang YD#, Wang X#, Wong YS. Proteomics analysis reveals multiple regulatory mechanisms in response to selenium in rice. Journal of Proteomics 2012; 75:1849-1866.



  1. Qu L, Liu M, Zheng L, Wang X, Xue H: Data-independent acquisition-based global phosphoproteomics reveal the diverse roles of casein kinase 1 in plant development. Science Bulletin 2023, 68:2077-2093.
  2. Oppi S, Nusser-Stein S, Blyszczuk P, Wang X, Jomard A, Marzolla V, Yang K, Velagapudi S, Ward LJ, Yuan XM, Geiger MA, Guillaumon AT, Othman A, Hornemann T, Rancic Z, Ryu D, Oosterveer MH, Osto E, Lüscher TF, Stein S. Macrophage NCOR1 protects from atherosclerosis by repressing a pro-atherogenic PPARγ signature. European Heart Journal. 2020; 41: 995-1005.
  3. Houzelle A, Dahlmans D, Nascimento EBM, Schaart G, Jörgensen JA, Moonen-Kornips E, Kersten S, Wang X, Hoeks J. MicroRNA-204-5p modulates mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes and associates with oxidative capacity in humans. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2020: 1-13.
  4. Dahlmans D, Houzelle A, Andreux P, Wang X, Jorgensen JA, Moullan N, Daemen S, Kersten S, Auwerx J, Hoeks J. MicroRNA-382 silencing induces a mitonuclear protein imbalance and activates the mitochondrial unfolded protein response in muscle cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2019; 234: 6601-6610.
  5. Stein S#, Lemos V#, Xu P, Demagny H, Wang X, Ryu D, Jimenez V, Bosch F, Lüscher TF, Oosterveer MH, Schoonjans K. Impaired SUMOylation of nuclear receptor LRH-1 promotes nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2017; 127(2):583-592.
  6. Greggio C#, Jha P#, Kulkarni SS#, Lagarrigue S, Broskey NT, Boutant M, Wang X, Conde Alonso S, Ofori E, Auwerx J*, Cantó C*, Amati F*. Enhanced respiratory chain supercomplex formation in response to exercise in human skeletal muscle. Cell Metabolism. 2017; 25(2):301-311.
  7. Dahlmans D, Houzelle A, Andreux P, Jörgensen J A., Wang X, de Windt L J., Schrauwen P, Auwerx J, Hoeks J. An unbiased silencing screen in muscle cells identifies miR-320a, miR-150, miR-196b, and miR-34c as regulators of skeletal muscle mitochondrial metabolism. Molecular Metabolism. 2017; 6(11):1429-1442.
  8. Luo J, Wang X, Feng L, Li Y, He JX. The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 9 (MKK9) modulates nitrogen acquisition and anthocyanin accumulation under nitrogen-limiting condition in Arabidopsis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017; 487(3):539-544.
  9. Zhang H, Ryu D, Wu Y, Gariani K, Wang X, Luan P, D'Amico D, Ropelle ER, Lutolf MP, Aebersold R, Schoonjans K, Menzies KJ*, Auwerx J*. NAD repletion improves mitochondrial and stem cell function and enhances life span in mice. Science. 2016; 352(6292):1436-43.
  10. Ryu D#, Zhang H#, Ropelle ER#, Sorrentino V, Mázala DA, Mouchiroud L, Marshall PL, Campbell MD, Ali AS, Knowels GM, Bellemin S, Iyer SR, Wang X, Gariani K, Sauve AA, Cantó C, Conley KE, Walter L, Lovering RM, Chin ER, Jasmin BJ, Marcinek DJ, Menzies KJ*, Auwerx J*. NAD+ repletion improves muscle function in muscular dystrophy and counters global PARylation. Science Translational Medicine. 2016; 8(361):361ra139.
  11. Gariani K#, Menzies KJ#, Ryu D, Wegner CJ, Wang X, Ropelle ER, Moullan N, Zhang H, Perino A, Lemos V, Kim B, Park YK, Piersigilli A, Pham TX, Yang Y, Ku CS, Koo SI, Fomitchova A, Cantó C, Schoonjans K, Sauve AA, Lee JY, Auwerx J. Eliciting the mitochondrial unfolded protein response by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide repletion reverses fatty liver disease in mice. Hepatology. 2016; 63(4):1190-204.
  12. Xu P, Oosterveer MH, Stein S, Demagny H, Ryu D, Moullan N, Wang X, Can E, Zamboni N, Comment A, Auwerx J, Schoonjans K. LRH-1-dependent programming of mitochondrial glutamine processing drives liver cancer. Genes & Development. 2016; 30(11):1255-60.
  13. Jha P, Wang X, Auwerx J. Analysis of mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplexes using blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE). Curr Protoc Mouse Biol. 2016 Mar 1;6(1):1-14.
  14. Moullan N#, Mouchiroud L#, Wang X, Ryu D, Williams EG, Mottis A, Jovaisaite V, Frochaux MV, Quiros PM, Deplancke B, Houtkooper RH*, Auwerx J*. Tetracyclines disturb mitochondrial function across eukaryotic models: a call for caution in biomedical research. Cell Reports. 2015; 10(10): 1681–91.
  15. Jo YS#, Ryu D#, Maida A, Wang X, Evans RM, Schoonjans K, Auwerx J. Phosphorylation of the nuclear receptor corepressor 1 by protein kinase B switches its corepressor targets in the liver in mice. Hepatology. 2015; 62(5):1606-18.
  16. Stein S, Oosterveer MH, Mataki C, Xu P, Lemos V, Havinga R, Dittner C, Ryu D, Menzies KJ, Wang X, Perino A, Houten SM, Melchior F, Schoonjans K. SUMOylation-dependent LRH-1/PROX1 interaction promotes atherosclerosis by decreasing hepatic reverse cholesterol transport. Cell Metabolism. 2014; 20(4):603-13.
  17. Andreux PA, Mouchiroud L, Wang X, Jovaisaite V, Mottis A, Bichet S, Moullan N, Houtkooper RH, Auwerx J. A method to identify and validate mitochondrial modulators using mammalian cells and the worm C. elegans. Scientific Reports. 2014; 4:5285.
  18. Zhang JH, Sun LW, Liu LL, Lian J, An SL, Wang X, Zhang J, Jin JL, Li SY, Xi JH. Proteomic analysis of interactions between the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol Rep. 2010; 28(2):324-333.
  19. Li SY, Fan J, Xi JH, Zhang HY, Du HW, Zhou X, Wang X, Ning B, Liu LY, Hao DY. Spleen lymphocyte proteome analysis in bronchial asthma of Wistar rats. Chem J Chinese U. 2007; 28(9):1696-1700.
  20. Xi J, Wang X, Li S, Zhou X, Yue L, Fan J, Hao D. Polyethylene glycol fractionation improved detection of low-abundant proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of plant proteome. Phytochemistry 2006, 67:2341-2348.




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