


职称: 研究员
所属学科: 预防兽医
电子信箱: [email protected]



2004.09-2009.03,加拿大PC28官网 ,生物医学工程博士学位

2000.09-2004.07,加拿大PC28官网 ,动物科学学士学位



2020.12-至今,加拿大PC28官网 ,研究员,博士生导师

2014.12-2020.12,加拿大PC28官网 ,副研究员,硕士生导师




2009.05-2014.12,加拿大PC28官网 ,助理研究员



Elsevier出版社SCI期刊Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (CIMID)主编;PLoS Pathogens编辑;第八届国际巴尔通体会议(ICBEP8)组委委员及大会秘书;第九届国际巴尔通体会议(ICBEP9)科学委员会委员。上海市畜牧兽医学会公共卫生学分会副理事长。



巴尔通体与布鲁氏菌在遗传上具有高度相似性,他们通过其4型分泌系统将效应蛋白注入宿主细胞内,调控宿主细胞骨架、免疫识别加工、内体运输等多种重要细胞生物学功能来促进病原胞内感染、增殖及扩散。该类病原导致的隐匿性感染(stealth infection)极易被误诊,且一旦建立系统感染后治疗较为困难。本课题组侧重研究两种病原4型分泌系统在感染致病中的作用机制,运用质谱及生化技术筛选鉴定效应蛋白在宿主细胞内互作底物及其翻译后修饰作用,在分子修饰层面上分析病原胞内入侵及适应性机制、探索病原躲避宿主免疫杀伤的工作机理。



2022 东方学者特聘教授

2017 唐立新优秀教师科研奖

2016 李兰馨优秀青年教师奖

2014 SMC优秀青年教师奖





  1. Wang M, Guan Q, Wang C, Hu L, Hu X, Xu M, Cai Y, Zhang H, Cao Q, Sheng H, Wei X, Koehler JE, Dou H#, Gu RX#, Yuan C#. Anchorage of bacterial effector at plasma membrane via selective phosphatidic acid binding to modulate host cell signaling. PLoS Pathog. 2024 Nov 12;20(11):e1012694.
  2. Zhang G, Zhou J, Lv Q, Yang R, Zhang Y, Chu J, Zhang H, Han Y, Sun K, Yuan C#, Tao K#. Rapid virus inactivation by nanoparticles-embedded photodynamic surfaces. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2025 Feb;679(Pt B):609-618.
  3. Marfavi Z, Cai Y, Lv Q, Han Y, Yang R, Sun K, Yuan C, Tao K#. The Synergy between Antibiotics and the Nanoparticle-Based Photodynamic Effect. Nano Lett. 2024 Oct 2. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c03668.
  4. Han Y, Zhang H, Yang R, Yu X, Marfavi Z, Lv Q, Zhang G, Sun K, Yuan C, Tao K#. Ba2+-doping introduced piezoelectricity and efficient Ultrasound-Triggered bactericidal activity of brookite TiO2 nanorods. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2024 Sep 15;670:742-750. 
  5. Yang R, Zhang H, Sun K, Yuan C#, Tao K#. Nano-Emulsified Perfluorooctyl Bromide Can Infiltrate Gram-Negative Bacteria and Sensitize Them to Ultrasound. Nano Lett. 2024 Jan 10;24(1):501-510.
  6. Yang R, Zhang H, Marfavi Z, Lv Q, Han Y, Sun K, Yuan C#, Tao K#. Infiltrating Perfluorocarbon Nanoemulsion and Sensitizing Ultrasound Cavitation to Eradicate Biofilms. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024 Jan 24;16(3):3126-3138.
  7. Yang R, Zhang H, Chen Y, Zhang L, Chu J, Sun K, Yuan C#, Tao K#. Hemostatic and Ultrasound-Controlled Bactericidal Silk Fibroin Hydrogel via Integrating a Perfluorocarbon Nanoemulsion. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024 May 1;16(17):21582-21594. 


  1. Marfavi Z, Yang R, Wei L, Han Y, Lv Q, Dai Y, Sun K, Yuan C, Tao K#. Ultrasmall Day-Night Photocatalysts of LnYVO4:Eu3+ (Ln = Nd, Tm, and Er) Nanoparticles. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2023 Jul 12;15(27):32697-32706.


  1. Wang J, Chen W, Wang M, Mi Q, Bo L, Yuan C#, Cao Q#. Cat scratch disease with generalized bone lesions in an immunocompetent child. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022;11(1):2433-2436.


  1. Chunyan Wang, Haoran Zhang, Jiaqi Fu, Meng Wang, Yuhao Cai, Tianyun Ding, Jiezhang Jiang, Xiaoyun Liu, Jane E Koehler, Congli Yuan#. Bartonella type IV secretion effector BepC induces stress fiber formation through activation of GEF-H1. PLoS pathogens. 2021:28 (1):e1009065.


  1. Gutiérrez R, Shalit T, Markus B, Yuan C, Nachum-Biala Y, Elad D, Harrus S. Bartonella kosoyi sp. nov. and Bartonella krasnovii sp. nov., two novel species closely related to the zoonotic Bartonella elizabethae, isolated from black rats and wild desert rodent-fleas. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020 Mar;70(3):1656-1665


  1. Wang Z, Li Y, Yang X, Zhang L, Shen H, Xu W, Yuan C#. Protective effects of rapamycin induced autophagy on CLP septic mice. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019 Jun;64:47-52. 
  2. Wang C, Fu J, Wang M, Cai Y, Hua X, Du Y, Yang Z, Li Y, Wang Z, Sheng H, Yin N, Liu X, Koehler JE, Yuan C#. Bartonella quintana type IV secretion effector BepE-induced selective autophagy by conjugation with K63 polyubiquitin chain. Cell Microbiol. 2019;21(4):e12984. 


  1. Jiehua Hong, Yan Li, Xiuguo Hua,Yajie Bai,Chunyan Wang,Zhibiao Yang,Yuming Du,Congli Yuan#. Lymphatic Circulation Disseminates Bartonella Infection Into Bloodstream,J Infectious Dis, 2017. 215:303~311
  2. Caixia Zhu,Yajie Bai,Qiyong Liu,Dongmei Li,Jiehua Hong,hibiao Yang,Li Cui,Xiuguo Hua, Congli Yuan#. Depolymerization of cytokeratin intermediate filaments facilitates intracellular infection of HeLa cells by Bartonella henselae. J Infectious Dis, 2013.5.207:1397~1405
  3. Congli Yuan,Patrick Keeling,Peter Krause,Ales Horak,Stephen Bent,Lindsay Rollend,Xiuguo Hua. Colpodella spp.-like parasite infection in woman, China. Emerg Infect Dis, 2012.18:125~127
  4. Xiuguo Hua, Cui Li, Congli Yuan, Jiehua Hong, Zhibiao Yang. Avain Flu Infects Humans for the First Time (comment). British Medical Journal, 2013.346:2151.
  5. Congli Yuan, Caixia Zhu, Yangbing Wu, Xueyin Pan, Xiuguo Hua. Bacteriological and molecular identification of Bartonella species in cats from different regions of China. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011;5(9):e1301. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001301. 

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