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职 称 :教授 研究方向: 1. 动物基因编辑育种及模型构建
2. 生殖细胞保存技术及毒理机制
电 话:021-34205827
电子信箱:[email protected]
上海交通大学 加拿大pc28官网
邮 编:200240
农学博士,教授,博士生导师,加拿大PC28官网 副院长。2012年4月至2013年5月美国马萨诸塞州立大学Amherst分校访问学者;中国畜牧兽医学会养猪学分会理事,上海市畜牧兽医学会常务理事;科研主要方向:1)动物基因编辑育种及模型构建;2)动物生殖细胞保存技术及繁殖障碍分子机制;3)动物肠道微生物与生殖相关性及生物学机制。主持国家重点研发项目子课题、国家自然科学基金项目、上海市科委重点基础研究项目及“登山计划”攻关项目、上海农委科技兴农攻关项目及重点基础研究项目多项;在Nano Micro Letter、Advanced Functional Materials、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Theriogenology、Toxicology Letter、《畜牧兽医学报》等专业期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,获授权专利10项;主持教育部新农科改革与实践项目一项;获得上海市教学成果二等奖,宝钢优秀教师奖,上海交通大学“卓越教学奖”及首届“佳和”教学奖,上海交通大学“烛光奖”一等奖及上海交通大学“最受学生欢迎的教师”奖多项奖励。
1. 动物基因编辑育种及模型构建:基于基因编辑技术开展基因编辑猪的培育,主要包括异种器官移植猪及疾病模型猪的建立,繁殖生产性能及抗病改良的转基因猪制备,开展相关机理及应用技术研究。
2. 动物生殖细胞保存技术及繁殖障碍分子机制:主要包括纳米酶抗氧化剂的制备及应用家畜动物生殖细胞体外低温保存调控技术的利用;基于生殖细胞多组学研究,探讨病菌、重金属等环境污染物诱导生殖细胞蛋白修饰变化以及相关分子机制,开展分子标志物和靶点的功能学研究。
3. 动物肠道微生物与生殖相关性及生物学机制:探究肠道微生物多样性与生殖细胞功能之间的相关性;基于动物“肠-睾”轴相互关系,研究肠道微生物代谢产物调控生殖细胞发育及功能的分子机制。
近年 来发表的代表性学术论文
[1] Yang Yong, Yaozhong Zhang, Lirui Wang, Zemeng Miao, Kexin Zhou, Qiangzhen Yang, Jian Yu, Xinhong Li* and Yafei Zhang*. Antibacterial Property of Oxygen-Terminated Carbon Bonds. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2200447.
[2] Peng Zijun, Qiangzhen Yang, Ranna Yeerken, Jun Chen, Xurui Liu, Xinhong Li*. Multi-omics analyses reveal the mechanisms of Arsenic-induced male reproductive toxicity in mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,424,127548.
[3] Zhang Jing , Huan Liu, Qiangzhen Yang, Peifei Li, Yi Wen, Xuejun Han, Bushe Li, Hongju Jiang and Xinhong Li. Genomic Sequencing Reveals the Diversity of Seminal Bacteria and Relationships to Reproductive Potential in Boar Sperm. Fronties in Microbiology, 2020,4;11:1873.
[4] Qiangzhen Yang, Yi Wen, Lirui Wang, Zijun Peng, Ranna Yeerken, Linqing Zhen, Peifei Li, Xinhong Li. Ca2+ ionophore A23187 inhibits ATP generation reducing mouse sperm motility and PKA-dependent phosphorylation. Tissue and Cell, 2020, 66:101381.
[5] Yang Qiangzhen, Xurui Liu, Jun Chen,Yi Wen, Huan Liu, Zijun Peng, Yeerken Ran, Lirui Wang, Xinhong Li*. Lead-mediated inhibition of lysine acetylation and succinylation causes reproductive injury of the mouse testis during development. Toxicology Letter. 2020. 318:30-43.
[6] Xinhong Li*, Lirui Wang, Jieli Fu, Linqing Zhen, Yuhua Li, Yaozhong Zhang, Yafei Zhang. C60 Fullerenes Suppress Reactive Oxygen Species Toxicity Damage in Boar Sperm. Nano Micro Letter. 2019, 11:104 .
[7] Fu Jieli, Qiangzhen Yang, Yuhua Li, Peifei Li, Lirui Wang, Xinhong Li*. A mechanism by which Astragalus polysaccharide protects against ROS toxicity through inhibiting the protein dephosphorylation of boar sperm preserved at 4 °C. J Cell Physiol. 2018, 233(7):5267-5280.
[8] Yang Qiangzhen, Peifei Li, Yi Wen, Sisi Li, Jun Chen, Xunrui Liu, Lirui Wang, Xinhong Li* Cadmium inhibits lysine acetylation and succinylation inducing testicular injury of mouse during development. Toxicology Letter. 2018, 291:112-120.
[9] Wang Lirui, Peifei Li, Yi Wen, Qiangzhen Yang, Linqing Zhen, Jieli Fu, Yuhua Li, Sisi Li, Xinhong Li*. Vitamin C exerts novel protective effects against cadmium toxicity in mouse spermatozoa by inducing the dephosphorylation of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase. Reproductive Toxicology. 2018, 75:23-32.
[10] Xinhong Li, Linqing Zhen, Jieli Fu, Lirui Wang, Qiangzhen Yang, Peifei Li, Yuhua Li. Quantitative Proteomic Profiling Indicates the Difference in Reproductive Efficiency Between Meishan and Duroc Boar Spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 2018, 116:71-82.
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