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曹林奎,博士,加拿大PC28官网 教授、博士生导师。兼任上海市农学会副理事长、农业农村部生态农场评价专家委员会副主任、教育部自然保护与环境生态类专业教学指导委员会委员、中国生态学学会农业生态专业委员会委员、中国土壤学会土壤生态专业委员会委员、中国农业科技园区专家组成员。

近年来,主要从事生态农业与农村区域发展、农田土壤生态与碳氮循环、农田化肥减量化技术与面源污染防控等研究工作。主持完成了 “十三五”国家重点研发计划课题“面源与重金属复合污染综合防控技术集成与示范”、国家自然科学基金项目“稻蛙共作系统蛙行为对甲烷排放的影响及其机理研究”、科技部星火计划重点项目“基于面源污染控制的稻田生态种养技术示范与推广”、农业农村部环境治理专项“生态循环农业效益评估”、上海市“曙光计划”项目“温室蔬菜氮营养生理及硝酸盐污染控制研究” 和上海市科委长三角科技联合攻关项目“土壤环境综合治理关键技术研发及区域示范应用”等国家及省部级项目。











[1]The effect of integrated rice-frog ecosystem on rice morphological traits and methane emission from paddy fields, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 783:147123.

[2]Mitigating global warming potential with increase net ecosystem economic budget by integrated rice-frog farming in eastern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2021,308:1-12.

[3]Rice-duck co-culture integrated different fertilizers reduce P losses and Pb accumulation in subtropical China. Chemosphere, 2020, 245:1-15.

[4]Nitrogen leakage in a rice-duck co-culture system with different fertilizer treatments in China. Science of the Total Environment,2019, 686:555-567.

[5]Microbial Community Structures and Important Associations Between Soil Nutrients and the Responses of Specific Taxa to Rice-Frog Cultivation. Frontiers in Microbiology,2019, 10(6):1-12.

[6]Comparison of the abundance and community structure of N-cycling bacteria in paddy rhizosphere soil under different rice cultivation patterns. Int. J. Mol. Sci.,2018,19(12),3772:1-19.  

[7]Effects of different fertilizers on methane emissions and methanogenic community structures in paddy rhizosphere soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 627: 770-781.

[8]Assessing environmental impacts of organic and inorganic fertilizer on daily and seasonal Greenhouse Gases effluxes in rice field. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 155: 119-128.

[9]Modeling the effects of alternative fertilization methods on nitrogen loading in rice production in Shanghai. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 566-567: 1595-1603.

[10]Assessing impacts of alternative fertilizer management practices on both nitrogen loading and greenhouse gas emissions in rice cultivation. Atmospheric Environment. 2015, 119: 393-401.

[11]Quantifying nitrogen loading from a paddy field in Shanghai, China with modified DNDC model. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014, 197:212–221.

[12]Use of fluorescence-based sensors to determine the nitrogen status of paddy rice. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2013, 151: 862-871.

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